How I Celebrated My 29th Birthday

My original birthday week plan included lunch with friend on Monday, run the 9/11 remembrance 5K on Tuesday, volunteer and dinner with UN on Wednesday, work Thursday, camping on Friday, go to a social night on Saturday, and water park on Sunday! 

But Hurricane Florence disrupted all of my plans! Bummer! After getting mandatory evacuation order from the governor, we started preparing for the hurricane on Monday. Us Californians never learned about hurricanes. On Wednesday, the day of my birthday, UN and I loaded all of our luggage into our car in lightning speed and started our evacuation before the hurricane hits and flood this area.




UN was able to book hotels and make a birthday dinner reservation before we hit the road to DC! I even got to do SoulCycle for three days straight! We went museum hopping the four days we were there. 


Store Manager Cody!

Store Manager Cody!

Sushi Nakazawa in DC

Sushi Nakazawa in DC




This time we were in DC we dined at a new restaurant called China Chilcano. Its owner is the Founder of World Central Kitchen. This is definitely a restaurant we will revisit. 

這次新試的一家餐廳China Chilcano,老闆是World Central Kitchen的創辦人。這裡是我們回家之後還念念不忘的一家餐廳!


Barcelona is a hip Spanish tapas restaurant/bar that is great for outdoor dining if the weather permits. 


Last day, we visited one of José Andrés’ restaurant again. Zaytinya, focuses on Eastern Mediterranean cuisine.

最後一天,繼續到José Andrés的餐廳Zaytinya,以中東、地中海美食呈現。

The weather when we were in DC was cloudy with a chance of thunderstorm, but barely even rained. My type of weather. Turned out that Hurricane Florence didn’t even hit Norfolk area, thank God! UN’s coworkers also came to DC for the evacuation, we thought we got a free long weekend trip. But at the same time we are watching and praying for NC and SC to quickly recover from the hurricane and flood damages. 


Restaurants | 餐廳

  • Sushi Nakazawa: 1100 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004 | (202) 289-3515

  • China Chilcano: 418 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20004 | (202) 783-0941

  • Barcelona Wine Bar: 1622 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (202) 588-5500

  • Zaytinya: 701 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001 | (202) 638-0800

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One Day at Busch Gardens


It’s been a while since we last went to an amusement park. After church on Sunday morning, excited as ever before, we headed straight to Busch Gardens! 

我跟UN有一段時間沒來遊樂園玩了,兩人一早亢奮到不行!去完教會,直衝Busch Gardens。

Griffon, our favorite roller coaster ride in Busch Gardens!

Griffon, our favorite roller coaster ride in Busch Gardens!

Our favorite roller coaster ride was Griffon, we kept lining back up for it, rode it for a total of 6 times. Finally gave up when we were at the tipping point of feeling nauseous from all those rides. After we arrived home, we could still feel the world moving around us when we closed our eyes! LOL!




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Labor Day Weekend in Chincoteague, VA

Visited LOVE sign in Cape Charles, VA on the way home. | 回家路途中順便去了一趟 Cape Charles, VA。

Visited LOVE sign in Cape Charles, VA on the way home. | 回家路途中順便去了一趟 Cape Charles, VA。

UN was eaten alive by mosquitoes! On the map it showed a trail where you can see ponies, but less than 10 minutes after getting off the car, UN got bit multiple times despite having put on bug spray beforehand. We gave up looking for ponies and escaped back to the car. No wonder not many people go on that trail.


Assateague Lighthouse | 燈塔

Assateague Lighthouse | 燈塔

Woodland Trail (aka mosquito apocalypse) | 蚊子大本營

Woodland Trail (aka mosquito apocalypse) | 蚊子大本營

Spot a dolphin | 看到海豚

Spot a dolphin | 看到海豚

Wild ponies | 野生小馬

Wild ponies | 野生小馬

Between the trail to see the ponies and the trail to the lighthouse, UN got bit a total of 47 times. These mosquitoes must have been so happy to see food, probably brought their friends and family to the feast.


Looking for ponies! | 尋找小馬中

Looking for ponies! | 尋找小馬中

Abandan house | 棄屋

Abandan house | 棄屋

Spot a eagle | 看見老鷹

Spot a eagle | 看見老鷹

Beautiful scenery | 好美的景色

Beautiful scenery | 好美的景色

Another ponies | 小馬們

Another ponies | 小馬們

Chesapeake Bay Bridge | 世界其一座最長的橋/隧道

Chesapeake Bay Bridge | 世界其一座最長的橋/隧道

Good thing UN had a backup plan booked to see ponies on an around the island sunset boat tour. Weather was perfect, and we even got to see dolphins up close as a bonus! Highly recommended!


Home sweet home | 回家啦!

Home sweet home | 回家啦!

Minus the mosquitoes attack, we really like this place. Beach, wild ponies, seafood, nature, what more can a girl ask for? If you know how to operate a moped, it will be very fun and convenient to get around on the island.


Salt Water Pony Tour | 出海看小馬團:


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