Glenstone in Potomac, MD


You have to come here if  you love art, architecture, and nature.

One time I was reading a travel magazine that I didn’t end up buying (oops) at Whole Foods.  The magazine mentioned many spots to go, but Glenstone was the only place I was interested in.  However, 4-hour drive from Virginia Beach lost my interest very quick. 

They spent almost 5 years doing expansion, and only re-opened to public last year October.  Make sure you schedule the visit online since availability is limited.  It doesn’t get crowded, so you get to ask the staffs at Glenstone questions about the art pieces. The visitors here are so well read, some even know Taiwan history!

(Please scroll down for English translation.)





12100 Glen Rd, Potomac, MD 20854

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2019 Cuba


For English translation, please scroll down.



到古巴玩,除了朋友C和我的簽證小出錯,差點無法在Habana見面之外,整趟旅行都非常順利!在Habana用破西語尋找街頭小吃、在Viñales騎馬到山洞裡摸黑游泳玩泥巴(導遊對我們超好)和第一次抽雪茄、在Trinidad找到Lonely Planet介紹的秘密地方看小孩打棒球,還有超多好玩的事!

  • 古巴簽證

    • 出發前我和朋友C(台灣護照有綠卡和美國護照)已經上網打電話和許多人確認簽證這問題,大家給的資訊全是到古巴買簽證(台灣護照)和在登機口買(美國護照),但我們在不同機場都被簽證問題攔下來。機場人員要求有簽證才能拿到登機證,但經過他們研究(臉都綠了),確認美國護照從美國出發在登機口買入境卡即可。而台灣護照從歐洲出發必須在入關前出示簽證!但資訊可能會變,去之前還是再三確認。

  • 帶衛生紙和乾洗手

    • 相信我,你會用到的!除非你只待在高級飯店不出門!拜託記得!

  • 合租車

    • 想到別的城市玩,除了巴士(建議先網絡訂票),可以搭類似Uber Pool概念的計程車。司機會到家門口接你,也不須凌晨出發,可以民宿老闆能幫你訂。

  • 帶手電筒和雨傘

    • 在Viñales最後一晚遇到下雨停電(雖然每晚的跳舞活動取消),但整城一片漆黑也是一個很好玩的經驗!雨傘、頭燈超有用,而且到鐘乳石洞裡一片黑,非常需要照燈。

  • 下載Maps.Me

    • 這app在網路不普及的古巴也太好用了吧!有點像地圖版Waze,每個人都能更新周遭資訊,而且連公車站牌都有編號(感謝某位旅客細心把站牌標示超清楚)!

  • 買Lonely Planet旅遊書

    • 再次證明以後旅行要買Lonely Planet!太多小景點是網上無法找到的,但Lonely Planet全部告訴你,真的值得買啦!(竟然從不愛Lonely Planet到現在大推😬)


P.S. 每次來西語國家都很感謝我爸當初堅決要我修西班牙文,但也恨自己沒認真練下去!(等下要買Rosetta stone)
P.P.S. 請好好珍惜隨時能上網的生活!


(Came back home from Cuba, but having a bit of difficulty adjust to real life)

I’ve exhausted all of my Spanish vocabulary during this trip! On the first day we were supposed to buy internet card in the morning, but I spent most of the morning chatting with a local. Traveling makes me realize how small the world is. I met someone from Hong Kong who was roommate with my elementary school friend, a couple from the States, and a group of world travelers forms Taiwan, one of them is even from my hometown Tainan!


This Cuba trip was overall very smooth, except the minor hiccup with getting our visa that almost prevented my friend and I from meeting up in Havana. I used my limited Spanish to find food in the streets of Havana. We rode horses to a cavern and swam in there in Viñales. I tried my very first Cuban cigar. In Trinidad, we visited a place recommended by Lonely Planet to watch local kids play baseball. And so much more stories!!

  • Have collective car

    • To get around from cities to cities, other than buses (buy tickets online), the other option is a taxi that is similar to Uber Pool. It’s a door to door service, and your AirBnB host can call them for you. 

  • Bring tissue and sanitizer

    • Believe me, you will need it, unless you only plan on staying at high end resorts. 

  • Cuba Visa

    • Be sure to find out well ahead of your visit how to get the proper visa to enter Cuba. For me, a US Passport holder traveling from United States, I need to purchase visa at the gate before leaving for Cuba. For my friend, a Taiwan passport holder traveling from Europe, she needed to purchase the visa in European airport. The rules are very confusing and you don’t want a visa problem to ruin your trip!

  • Bring umbrellas and headlight/flashlight 

    • These will come in handy when you visit the very dark cavern. Also our last night in Viñales there was a power outage due to heavy rain. Although the nightly dancing was cancelled because of weather, a city in the dark was another exciting experience. 

  • Download Maps.Me

    • This is especially useful in the internet-unstable Cuba. It’s like Waze, user input updates the app. It even shows all the bus stops on the map. 

  • Buy Lonely Planet ***not sponsored***

    • There are so many places that you can’t just google, but Lonely Planet has them. I haven’t been an avid Lonely Planet traveler, but not I’m a fan!

This is the first trip that I wrote such a long post for. Big thanks to unreliable internet. My friend and I talked about probably all the topics we could think of, serious ones and silly ones. My friend contributed to many of the above mentioned tips on our 9 hour bus ride. I lost my voice from all of our talking and laughing. 

P. S. Every time I visit a Spanish speaking country, I’m grateful for my dad’s insistence that I study Spanish. At the same time I wish I had paid more attention in class. (Gonna buy Rosetta Stone later)
P. P. S. Please cherish life with LTE! 


拜訪城市 | Cities We Visited

  • Havana

  • Viñales

  • Trinidad

First NFL Game- Eagles vs. Redskins


Every year from September to February, our Sunday consists of going to church in the morning and watching football. This Sunday was no different, except we get to watch football live!!!! (I deserve Best Wife Award!)


Coming to Redskins’ game was a impulsive decision. When we were driving to DC, UN mentioned “there’s Redskins game tomorrow!” The next minute I was on the phone with Redskins box office ordering tickets!

來看這比賽是一個衝動的決定。我們和我公婆開車快到華府時,UN說“明天有Redskins的比賽耶!“ 我二話不說直接打給Redskins訂票!


When I was watching the Redskins game, I couldn’t help but think back on the South Park episode that talks about the Redskins. To be honest, live football was so much more exciting than on TV, this must have been the most excited I’ve ever been at a live sports event! UN, if you had taken me to a live football game when we first started dating, I would probably be more willing to watch football with you on Sundays! What a perfect way to end 2018! 


Fedex Field
Address | 地址: 1600 Fedex Way, Landover, MD 20785