2021: Be Consistent and Committed

I’m excited to share our unplugged vacation to mainland Japan, but I’ll save it for the next post. First, I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’ve been looking forward to 2021 since Thanksgiving, so many great plans and goals I want to achieve this year like run 100 miles in one month, pass N4 Japanese exam, and many more. 

My theme for this year is to be consistent and be committed. Anything you want to work on this year? What’s your goals? Let me know!

和菓子 Wagashi

和菓子 Wagashi

Chinese Translation

等不及分享我們的unplugged vacation,但我想先和大家說聲新年快樂!感恩節時我已經超期待新年,有太多事情想做像是一個月內跑足100英里、考過日文N4、還有好多好多目標想達成。


Shikoku Travel Itinerary | 日本四國自由行


First I wanna thank my friend C, who is now in Italy, for helping us find these incredible travel deals, and even scoring us so many Go To Campaign coupons that we tried really hard to spend it all!

Shikoku is a special place to me. I came here on a foreign exchange program when I was in elementary school. I stayed with a local family, I remember distinctly there was a river in front of their home, and a mountain in the backdrop of their backyard. Due to the pandemic, there are many places we cannot travel to in Japan.  we are extremely lucky to have visited Shikoku this time. And just four short days, we saw foliage, ate delicious foods, and even brought home many souvenirs. 

首先,我們要感謝已搬到義大利的朋友C,幫我們找到平凡人找不到的優惠專案,還讓我們Go To Campaign折價卷多到幾乎用不完!


Transportation | 交通

Shikoku is comprised of Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi. But due to time constraints, we only visited Tokushima and Kagawa. We flew into Kobe Airport and rented a car to drive around in Shikoku. We rented our car from Rakuten, they offered free shuttle service to and from the airport. Just make sure to fill the tank prior to returning. 


Accommodations | 住宿

If you know which hotel you would like to stay at in Shikoku, just book it! We thought that due to the pandemic very few people would be traveling, we were surprised to find out that some of the hotels we liked were fully booked. Thanks once again to my friend C Who helped us booked a flight and hotel package!


First Day | 第一天


The koi fish here are humongous! Famous for being No. 1 Temple out of 88, a sacred journey trekked by devout pilgrims on foot wearing white robes and straw hats. Completing this pilgrimage is a lifetime goal of many. The 88 temples are spread across Shikoku, converting more than 1400 km. The road signs will tell you the temple number. Would you like to visit all 88 on foot? 




Menoh Tokushima

This bowl of garlic Ramen is basically the Ramen version of Tainan Tantan noodle. Tokushima is proud of their signature ramen.  The broth is rich with flavor and a bit of sweet, highly recommend you add a raw egg to your Ramen. 



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Ritsurin Garden

Ritsurin garden is a Michelin guide three star travel destination. It just so happened to be our first stop for foliage.  We saw a young couple wearing kimonos taking their engagement photos here.  also present were school children on their field trips. Perhaps this winter is not as cold, only some of the trees’ leaves turned red. View by the lake is stunning, attracting many professional photographers with their DSLRs and tripods. 



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A favorite chicken restaurant of UN’s. He wouldn’t stop talking about it afterwards, but a bit salty for my taste.



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Kotohira Kadan

The perfect hotel! Food was amazing and even have private onsen. Hotel garden is in full autumn mode. The foliage here makes for great photos. Back of the hotel is a walkway that leads to Kotohira-gu. 



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Second Day | 第二天


We took the path behind our hotel Kotohira Kadan to get to the main entrance of Kotohira-gu.  this morning walk was peaceful, the calm before the storm, and the easiest walk of the day. The three of us totally underestimated the enormity of 1368 steps. The fact that I came wearing high heel boots tell you as much. When we got to Kotohira-gu main temple, we thought we had made it to the top. Only came to realize that we are only halfway. We wanted to stop by the café next to the main temple, but thought we would hit it up on our way back down. Boy, did we miscalculate! We rarely buy any souvenir, but when we got to the top of the 1368 steps we decided to buy some omamori as achievement awards. Please note that you can only get the black with gold omamori when you have reached the top. According to the travel books that we read, making it to the top here is on many people’s bucket list. We’ve crossed it off!



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Konpira Kabuki Theater 

At the base of Kotohira-gu, but it was under renovation, we could only look from outside. 



Nakano Udon School Kotohira

After the hike, we dragged our tired feet to learn how to make udon! Udon making requires leg work too! If you are smart, you would do these two activities on two different days. We had a lot of fun in udon class but was dead tired. Learned how to make udon from scratch: checked!



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Iya Valley Hot Springs Hotel

Love the onsen here, the water makes your skin feels instantly soft. 



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Third Day | 第三天

Vine Bridge & Biwa Falls

The scenery here is straight out of a fairy tale book, but it’s quite chilly! The man in the parking lot was so friendly, kept trying to tell us where to visit. We tried our best broken Japanese to answer him and thank him. Iya valley vine bridge is one of three vine bridges left around this area. The other two are located in East Iya. People carefully crossing the bridge look from afar like little ants moving food. The gaps between the planks on the bridge is quite spread out. Would’ve taken more pictures but didn’t want to drop my phone. Each step was taken with extreme caution. 

祖谷溪 & 琵琶の滝


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 Iya Bijin

Soba restaurant with very satisfying soup base. But soba-wise, Okinawa does it better. 



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Peeing Boy Statue

The view along this narrow and winding road is spectacular. Just make sure you slow down and make way for incoming traffic. This statue was erected to commemorate all the little boys that once peed into the river that runs through Iya valley. 



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Awaodori Kaikan 

We skipped the rope way to the top of Bizan due to weather. This trip would not be complete without a cultural experience. We learned about Awa dance and history. 



Naruto Grand Hotel 

What beats waking up to sunrise from the comfort of your room and dipping into onsen with the view of Naruto bridge!



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Forth Day | 第四天

Naruto Uzushio Kisen

We took a ferry out to see up close the famous Naruto whirlpools. The company website tells you forecasts of when the whirlpools are expected to be the strongest. The best times are also the most popular, so reserve ahead of time!



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Had originally planned to go to Seto art festival and visit Shikoku with my friend this past April, I finally made it! We had quite a few surprises this trip, we gasped at how expensive the tolls are in mainland, and rushed to spend ¥29,000 in Go To Campaign cash in less than 24 hours. What a memorable trip. Looking forward to the next time we visit mainland Japan!

原本去年要去瀨戶美術節、今年四月和朋友四國十日遊,我終於來了!沿途荒謬事情一堆,像是高速公路過路費異常的貴(快7000元日幣)、Go To Campaign送我們高達日幣兩萬九的禮卷必須在24小時內用光。期待下一趟的本島旅行!

Ie Island One Day Trip | 伊江島一日遊


Trust me, this trip will drain you out! We took the first ferry at 9:00 am from Motobu Port. We live about an hour and a half from the port, and we’re worried we might not find parking, so we left at 7. After 30 minute boat ride we arrived at Ie Island. Didn’t plan much, only wanted to ride bicycle around the island, buy some brown sugar peanuts, climbed Mt. Gusuku and eat Ie beef. Ie Island produces peanuts, and is shaped like a peanut, so it’s nicknamed Peanut Island. Ie Island also raises Wagyu grade beef, we saw many cow farms there. 

絕對是一場累到讓你回程昏睡,坐下來完全起不來的行程!搭第一班九點的船從本部港離開,由於家離港口一小時,又怕車位停滿,我們早上七點出門。三十分鐘船程到伊江島,沒有特別計畫,只想騎腳踏車環島、買我喜歡的黑糖花生糖、登上伊江島最高點Mt. Gusuku和吃伊江島和牛。伊江島專產花生,島的形狀也像花生,所以又稱花生島。伊江島和牛也是這裡的特產,到處看到飼養伊江和牛的養牛場。

Transportation | 交通

Our friends rented bicycles next to Ie Port. We brought our own. If you don’t want to tire yourself out, I recommend renting a car or motorbike. You can also buy a ferry ticket to take your car with you here. Reserve your tickets ahead of time. Call 0980-49-2255 to reserve. Ferry tickets are paid with cash only, but car and bicycle tickets can be paid with credit card. 


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Dining | 食

Where’s our Ie beef? Most restaurants here serve Okinawa soba, we were most disappointed with not having Ie Wagyu grade beef during this trip. 


Sights | 景點

After you disembark from the ferry, there’s cycling map that tells you the recommended cycling routes. We started by turning left at the main road (but veered off and didn’t really follow the route). Along the way the roads looked flat, but were actually quite tedious. Occasionally we would come across a steep downslope and had a hard time braking and stopping. We ended the biking trip at the tallest point on the island: Mt. Gusuku.  

下船後,附近有腳踏車路線圖,能完整走遍伊江島。我們往地圖左邊開始繞(大部分沒照著地圖走),沿途有很多看起來似乎平坦簡單騎起來卻消耗全身體力的路線,偶爾遇到大下坡快到幾乎煞不住。最後我們用全島最高點Mt. Gusuku為最後景點。

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After we got back to Motobu, we went to a Touhua place at Motobu Town Market. This place is much better than the Taiwanese Touhua place that we found in Okinawa. We got there a bit late and they ran out of taro balls. Next to the Touhua place is a cafe that sells Taiwanese wheel cakes (with mochi filling!) Cafe owner Tamaki-San is very friendly and even speaks a little Chinese! 

下船後朋友帶我們到本部市場裡的一家豆花店,這家豆花店比以前在沖繩標榜台灣豆花更好吃,可惜我們太晚到芋圓賣光了!豆花店隔壁有家咖啡屋有賣台灣車輪餅(有麻糬的耶),老闆Tamaki San超熱情還會講中文!

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Ie Island on the weekend is quite peaceful, reminds me of rural parts of Tainan. Cycling and hiking drained all of our energy but it was a fulfilling day! Riding with friends and singing together like no one else is around, stopping every now and then to take pictures with cows and goats. I like this kind of getaway from the busy and noisy everyday life. 
