Weekly List: Camp Hansen Festival

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With the weather getting nicer, I just want to spend every minute outside. Water activities are starting up again, and I have stocked up on the sunscreen supply I need for the summer. Can’t wait to go snorkeling at beautiful Okinawa beaches!

MWR Paddle Board

Website: https://www.navymwrokinawa.com

Every Tuesday Navy MWR will offer different itineraries, such as SUP, kayak, hiking, etc. It costs only around $10. The cost includes transportation and equipment rental, what a deal! My friends and I did SUP at White Beach. I’m so tempted to buy a SUP now! The water was calm that day, perfect for learning how to stand up. You can find all relevant information on the website, reservation can be made via phone or filling out an online form. Pay when you show up, in USD only!

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Nago Pineapple Park

Address: 1195 Biimata, Nago, Okinawa 905-0005

The newly renovated gift shop is stunning! Totally different than when we first visited it almost two years ago. I am digging the new design, and they even have a wine tasting area! If you only intend on buying from the gift shop, you don’t need to purchase a ticket, customer service will direct you straight to the gift shop.

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Camp Hansen Festival

This is not your typical festival. Like every festival, there is a performance stage, a beer tent, food vendors, game shops, an area with pirate ship and other carnival rides. But there is a very special area! On the far end of the festival, there are a row of parked military vehicles for all to check out. You can try on the newest bomb suit, touch a grenade, and sit inside the brand new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles! The marines are very patient at explaining everything to us, and I’ve learned a few new military lingos. This is definitely the best part of Camp Hansen Festival!

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Hotel Collective- Kyo Garden

Website: https://hotelcollective.jp
Address: 2 Chome-5-7 Matsuo, Naha, Okinawa 900-0014

Finally an authentic Chinese restaurant in Okinawa! Highly recommend the dim sum set here. For 2500 yen, you get appetizers, desserts, and everything in between. Every dish is delicious, they remind me of Taiwan. Hotel Collective is Taiwanese-owned. They also sell meal vouchers. Lunch and use of their gym and spa for the whole day only costs 3200 yen. Afternoon tea is only 1600 yen, you must try it!

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It looks like COVID cases are climbing in Okinawa again. Can the rest of 2021 be better please? Stay safe everyone! Until next week!

MWR Paddle Board

Website: https://www.navymwrokinawa.com

每週二海軍基地MWR會提供不同行程,像是SUP、獨木舟、爬山,約美金十元。費用包括車子接送和租器具,非常划算。和朋友們一起玩SUP,老師帶我們到White Beach附近海岸,讓我好想買SUP!那天海很平靜,剛好能讓我們學習站起來。網站上有海軍提供的活動資訊,訂位只要電話預約或網上填表格,到場時付費即可。全部費用以美金為主。

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Nago Pineapple Park

地址:〒905-0005 沖縄県名護市為又1195


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Camp Hansen Festival

這絕對不是你所想像的一般園遊會!進去時左邊有表演舞台,前方有賣啤酒,左前方有海盜船和園遊會裡常見的遊樂設施,看似普通平凡的園遊會裡卻暗藏最特別的一區!遠方有一排軍方的大卡車開放給大家參觀,大家能試穿拆炸彈的防彈服,摸手榴彈(好緊張),還有坐進軍用吉普車(好帥)。協助的軍人很耐心的解釋,讓我這個平民老百姓學到好多軍中用語。這絕對是Camp Hansen Festival最棒最特別的地方!

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Hotel Collective 居易園

網站: https://hotelcollective.jp
地址: 2 Chome-5-7 Matsuo, Naha, Okinawa 900-0014

我們終於吃到沒變調的中華料理,好推這裡的飲茶套餐。一人2500日幣,從前菜到甜點,每道都很棒,非常有台灣味。Hotel Collective是台灣嘉新水泥推出的第一家飯店,去年四月開幕,,位在每個觀光客必去的國際通上,是整條路上少數大型且有規模的飯店。飯店有推出折價卷,居易園午餐和一整天的健身房和SPA只要3200日幣。這裡的下午茶只要1600日幣,下次一定要來試一下!

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Weekly List: Pottery Festival | 本週清單:陶藝節

Lately the weather here in Okinawa has been a bit bipolar, one minute it will be sunny, then the next minute would be rain and wind. But overall it’s cooling down here, the perfect temperature if you ask me. Great for evening walk after dinner. What about you guys? Does it feel like Fall weather where you are?




Don’t ask me about the food. My friend and I were too overjoyed catching up that we forgot what we even ordered. It gets busy here during the weekend, at 2-3 pm it’s still about an hour wait. The interior design is instagram friendly. They take credit card and has outdoor seating. 


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Pottery Festival

Came with the intention to shop, but went home with nothing. But reignited in UN a desire to make pottery again. Does anyone have any recommendation for ceramic studio in Okinawa?


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Rachel Cafe

144- 4 - 5 Toya, Yomitan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0305

This B&B is owned by a Hong Kong couple, and they are quite popular among American troops. Reviews all rave about the good food. It was good to revisit them again. 


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Kino Store

443 Ginoza, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-1302

Sourced locally, and a newly opened store front. With my sweet tooth, I need to pay them a visit. Last week their 8 year old oven broke down, was forced to close down for the day. The day we went they had their new cake pop, so I felt obligated to try. The owner is very friendly, speaks perfect English. When they get a new oven, I will drive an hour to come back for desserts again! According to my friends, people in Tokyo would order desserts from them. 

使用沖繩當地食材,最近剛開實體店,我這麼愛吃甜食一定要來拜訪一下。上週他們烤了8年的烤箱壞了,關店休息,但去的那天他們推出”cake pop”,我當然要上去一趟。老闆非常親切,還和我們用英文聊天。等到他們新烤箱到時,我一定要在開一小時車程來買甜點!聽朋友說住東京的人都會特別訂購這家甜點!


Lequio Terrace Kanna

1703-4 Kanna, Ginoza, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-1304

How delightful the food here is! Has to be my new favorite seafood restaurant. I can’t get the taste of fresh seafood out of my mind. The day we went the owner served oysters, fish and prawns. We ordered them all. Sweet and fresh seafood. Highly recommend oysters and prawns, very delicious. They are closed on Tuesday. 


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