Shelter In Place: Weeek 5 Check In- Instagram | 第五週自主隔離

Hello May! How’s everyone holding up? I hope we can get back to normal soon, and we all get to hug and kiss our friends! I bet by the time you’re reading this post, you already learn so many ways to increase productivity at home. This blog post is definitely not teaching you another way to be more productive because I know you already are. Instead, I want to share a couple Instagram accounts that I found and LOVE during shelter in place!


Lots of step by step inversion step by step from her account. Since we get so much time now at home, @kickassyoga is a great account for you to try different pose on instagram. If you don’t feel like practicing inversion, she has many videos about beginner yoga and other short and simple yoga practice to brighten up your day. 


I probably spent 80% of my Instagram time adored Zoë François’s account. She is not hesitate to share her baking skill and tips. I learn so much from her IGTV, and that Pavlova is always a must try during this pandemic season. It will definitely cheer you up! 


Need your Asian craving fixed while staying at home. This account offers lots of Asian recipes that can challenge your cooking spectrum. Her recipes are detailed and informative. You get to learn lots of Asian dishes that you never knew before! 

在家想吃亞洲食物嗎?下雨天想吃Pho,大熱天想吃越南春捲,這個帳號有好多亞洲料理挑戰你的烹煮能力!Cooking Therapy的網站最特別的是每道菜一定會解釋各個材料的功能,不但能學到如何煮亞洲食物,還能學到新知識!

Why not plan your next destination when everything is back to normal? From photography skills to travel credit card, Jessica Wright covered wide range of travel information. I love her photography style, it’s always so calm and well crafted. I enjoy her account and website, and can’t wait til our next trip!

雖然現在不是出國玩的時機,但我們還是能在家計畫下個想去的地點。從照相技術到信用卡點數換住宿這類的文章,@bontraveler 的帳號和網站有許多旅行相關訊息可以讓我們的旅行變得更簡單輕鬆。我非常欣賞版主Jessica Wright的照相風格,也時常點閱他的文章來擷取一些旅行小技巧。好期待下個旅行!

Look up your local Instagram! See how you can impact your community while shelter in place. Places you didn’t know it exists, maybe you can put it on your to-do list. Of course, don’t forget your delicious local restaurants that are waiting for you when everything is done! #supportlocal


What’s your favorite Instagram accounts that you check regularly? Any recommendations for tv shows and movies to watch? Leave your comment below and I’d love to connect with you! Stay safe and healthy! I’ll see you next week!
