First and Finest | 全美最老的海軍醫院

Naval Medical Center Portsmouth is the oldest US Navy hospital, its original structure from the 19th century is preserved to this date! Our tour guide never served in the armed forces, but is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about history of this hospital. He gives free tours to give back to those who serve. A historical hospital tour is not complete without haunted stories. But why is everyone else laughing? 😱😨😰

美國海軍最老的醫院(Naval Medical Center Portsmouth),保有十九世紀剛建好的樣貌。帶我們的爺爺雖然不曾從軍,但對醫院歷史很有興趣,也想回饋美國軍人們,所以爺爺不定時會有導覽。爺爺在導覽最後以鬼故做結尾,但我也不知道哪個點大家聽完笑到不行,害我超毛!

醫院導覽 | Historical Hospital Tour

醫院導覽 | Historical Hospital Tour

心理病房 | Psych Ward

心理病房 | Psych Ward

儲藏室 | Storage Room

儲藏室 | Storage Room

製作點滴站 | IV Station

製作點滴站 | IV Station

手術室 | Operating Room

手術室 | Operating Room

第一組女生來醫院工作 | First group of women worked in the hospital.

第一組女生來醫院工作 | First group of women worked in the hospital.