Shelter in place: Week 9 Check In- Hira Falls | 第9週自主隔離

Blink of eyes, it’s weekend already. After church on Sunday, we went to Hira Falls for the second time! Yep, the same water fall where I got a big bruise on my shin last week. UN insist you come here for a swim, so here we go! The second time around was still challenging. I still lost balance from slipper rocks. Certain parts of the trail I was half immersed in water, but still had a blast!

最近時間過的特別快,不知不覺就到了週末。週日教會結束後,我們一夥人來Hira Falls,沒錯就是上週剛介紹的讓我撞出大瘀青到現在還沒好的那個瀑布。由於上次UN沒下水游泳覺得不甘心,這次堅持再來一次。這次健行沒因了解地形而變簡單,還是滿挑戰的。有時會因石頭太滑而跌倒,半個身子偶爾需要泡在水裡,但歡樂程度爆表!

The quarantine restriction has relaxed a bit. Even though we can’t dine out or go to off-base indoor recreation facilities, we can still hike and play outdoors. We made it halfway through 2020, here’s hope for a better second half of the year! 
