Weekly List: Fishing Trip

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Found my first hobby of 2021 - raft fishing (ikadatsuri). I used to think that fishing is an activity that you get to sit around and doze off all day, I was gravely mistaken. From fishing prep to cleaning and cooking fish, my whole day was gone. Didn’t even have a minute to sit down and rest, let alone open the book that I had brought with me to fishing.

We left before dawn, and headed north towards Motobu. The ride to the raft fishing shop is about an hour. My friends W and A are experienced fisherman and fisherwoman, they prepared all our fishing gear for us. My friend K and I could only stand on the side and watch and learn (fall asleep?) Once everything was packed, we embarked on our fishing trip. (Hooray!!!!)

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It was a cold and windy day, there weren’t that many people at the rafts. The four of us roamed everywhere we could. It was my first time fishing, and every time we caught something, I cheered with excitement! My friend A patiently taught me how to put bait on the hook and pick a fishing spot. The rafts are exactly what you imagined them to be, made from pieces of wood. But like everywhere in Japan, the restroom there is clean. Only that sea water keeps flooding in, I thought I was gonna drown (dramatic much?) Raft fishing isn’t as scary as I thought it’d be, actually quite spacious when there aren’t many people around. The connecting bridge/catwalk is quite shaky, I held my breath every time I had to cross between rafts. 

Of the many highlights of this trip was when my friend W caught an octopus! We thought she caught a big fish at first, but when she reeled in the octopus I could only scream “OMG, OMG!” while my friends hurried to grab whatever they could to catch the octopus. This huge, slimy, and agile escape artist nearly got away from us! We had a bountiful fishing trip, went home with 32 fish and one octopus! Mission accomplished!

Raft Fishing Information
Store Name: 海生活 https://marine-life.jp
Price: ~5500yen (included ferry ticket and fishing gear)
Address: 〒905-0213 Okinawa, Kunigami District, Motobu, 谷茶29-72

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Chinese Translation



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這次釣魚最精彩的部分就是朋友W釣到章魚!一開始大家以為是一隻大魚,把各種可能性喊出來時,章魚突然浮出水面。第一次釣魚的我,完全沒預料到章魚會出現,當大家到處搜刮能抓章魚的器具時,我一直喊Oh my God, oh my God! 就像在我的IG Reel裡看到的,章魚無敵大隻超滑還超會鑽,差點從網子裡逃脫。這次釣魚四人大豐收,共釣到32隻魚和一隻章魚!

店名:海生活 https://marine-life.jp
地址:〒905-0213 沖縄県国頭郡本部町 谷茶29-72

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