Hamilton Broadway

幾個禮拜前,就是我看了Frozen,又看了Book of Mormon那禮拜,又看了Hamilton。沒錯,一個禮拜三齣百老匯,開心到要落淚!原本沒有計畫看Frozen,更沒想到能看到Hamilton,太開心了啦!還能和好朋友一起看,好啦這是炫耀了!

(這次不是贏Hamilton Lottery)

A few weeks ago, I watched Frozen, Book of Mormon and Hamilton. That’s right, three Broadway Shows in a row, happy tears! Didn’t plan on watching Frozen, and never thought I would get to watch Hamilton, I was on Cloud 9! And I got to watch it with my Broadway fanatic friend, sorry not sorry!

(PSA: I didn’t win Hamilton lottery this time!)



I liked Hamilton, it touched on a lot of hot topics today, like immigration, women’s rights, cultural diversity. I love how the way this show does not forcibly bring up these topics or make show goers feel uncomfortable. Although it’s not my absolute #1 favorite Broadway show, but this show was flawless!

Special shoutout to my friend who got us our tickets!