Shelter In Place Week 15+16- TokyoBike | 第15+16周自主隔離

Last Friday during HITT class, we heard rumors of loosening SIP restrictions, but weren’t given any details. But even just the thoughts of a little bit more freedom excited me. That day at noon, updated restrictions came out, and we can get take-out and drive throughs at off-base restaurants again. Finally our kitchen can get a day of rest. Let’s share what happened in the last couple of weeks!


I’ve set my eyes on this brand of bicycles since I was living on the East Coast. I didn’t purchase it then because I didn’t think it was safe to ride a bike in the city jungle of New York City. But I have stopped by the New York store and admired the beauty of TokyoBike many times. We even continued to talk about it when we lived in Virginia. Since moving to Okinawa, and after James got his bike, I’ve started itching for my own bike again. We found Taira Bike Shop, an authorized TokyoBike retailer here in Okinawa. UN immediately ordered one for me. I had a hard time picking which color to get. I was mesmerized by blue jade, saffron, and blue grey, but eventually ivory won out! 

住東岸時已經看中這牌子,當時心裡沒準備好在人車爆炸的紐約騎腳踏車而沒買。但偶爾經過TokyoBike在紐約的店時,還是會停下來看幾眼。後來搬到維吉尼亞,我們時不時還是會提起這腳踏車。搬來沖繩後,UN買了腳踏車後,讓我蠢蠢欲動。找到Taira Bike Shop有代理TokyoBike,UN立刻幫我訂一台。腳踏車顏色是讓我最無法定下來的,喜歡淡綠,也愛灰藍色,有時又被黃色吸引到,最後象牙白勝出!


I nearly lost my GoPro in the ocean that day! During our second dive, I didn’t notice the screw holding the GoPro to the holster had come loose. Thankful that my friend M found it! If you follow me on Instagram, you probably have seen the close up video of the sea turtle that we saw that day! So cute!



Since getting a bike, we have been riding around our neighborhood after dinner to explore. We came across a new coffee shop and a few new restaurants opening in American Village in September. We aren’t allowed to patronize there under current restrictions, but it still feels nice to ride our bikes there.


Oki Weekend No. 1 | 沖繩週末 1

Yesterday Department of Defense ordered a 60-day travel ban for all active duty and spouse here in Okinawa. Saturday morning we called airline companies to make changes to our upcoming trips. I remember in January people would worry about the spread of coronavirus, but now we greet each other by asking “are your trips refundable?” Everyone is passing tips on how to get your money back and which customer service number to call. My dear friends and loved ones, hope you all are safe and healthy!

昨天美國軍方宣布為了防止COVID-19持續蔓延,我們兩個月內不能離島。週六早上不停打電話給航空公司更換行程,把月底到五月份的行程取消。非常感謝許多航空公司願意讓我們更換行程,真的很希望可以恢復正常。從一月中國新年開始天天有人問會不會擔心Coronavirus,到現在大家問好後第一句話是”你的機票、飯店能退錢嗎?“ 大家開始傳授退票方法,客服電話、電子郵件到處傳。在世界各地的親朋好友們,希望你們一切平安!看到許多朋友需要在家工作,希望大家別太累,別讓身體累著了。

Warren & JJ’s Place 2.0

In the beginning of March, I randomly commented that I was craving some Cajun food. UN then started searching and picked this White Valentine’s Day to take me here! Their reservation system is not typical, and UN knows I like this kind of restaurant. You must read their reservation rules on their Facebook page before messaging them on messenger.  We ordered some spicy chicken wings, smoked chicken, seafood gumbo and beignets for dessert, everything exceeded our expectations. Consider my Cajun cravings satisfied. Have to emphasize the dessert! I’m definitely taking some friends back!

三月初時一句“我很想吃道地的Cajun食物”,UN開始非常努力找餐廳,還選在白色情人節這天,彌補二月情人節無法一起過,怎麼這麼浪漫!這裡訂位方法非常特別(最喜歡這類餐廳),必須讀過他們的規定後寄出一則訊息裡面包括所有訂位資訊。這次我們點Spicy Chicken Wings, Smoked Chicken, Seafood Gumbo, 和甜點Beignets。沒有一道讓我們失望,完全滿足我對Cajun食物的慾望。還有那甜點(beignets),一定不能錯過,只能說食物好吃,甜點更好吃的餐廳,以後一定會帶朋友來吃的!

I like that the owner of the restaurant Warren doesn’t think customers are always right. To him, this isn’t just a restaurant. He treats his customers like guests that he invites into his home. A mutual respect is expected, and that makes the dining experience that much more enjoyable. Warren moved to Okinawa in the 90s and haven’t been back to the US in 30 years. He was homeless for years before moving to Okinawa, and because of that this topic is heavy on his heart. Last year he did 7 trips to Taiwan to feed the homeless in Taipei and Taichung. As Taiwanese, we are touched and impressed by his heart for the homeless of Taiwan. Below is a link to the video of him feeding the homeless around Taipei train station. Please help share the story of his heroic acts!

Address: 〒904-0404 Okinawa, Kunigami District, 国頭郡 恩納村瀬良垣476


地址: 〒904-0404 Okinawa, Kunigami District, 国頭郡 恩納村瀬良垣476

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Mermaid Grotto

When we were learning scuba diving, our instructor said this site is very beautiful, but he wouldn’t take anyone here unless they have done at least 10 dives. UN dove here with his coworkers on Friday and raved about how pretty it was. Said he wants to take me there on a nice day. After Warren & JJ’s, UN took me here, but my shoes weren’t suitable for the mud, so he carried me all the way to the beach. We had the whole beach to ourselves. Just us enjoying sound from waves crashing onto the beach. Love Okinawa for these surprisingly beautiful sites. Life is a vacation! 

Address: 4484 Onna, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0411

之前學潛水時,老師說這潛水點非常正,但至少必須潛水十次以上再來。週五UN和同事來這潛水,回家後一直說景超美下次天氣好一定帶我去(最近一直下雨)。在Warren & JJ’s那吃完後,UN帶我來這裡,但我的鞋子實在不方便走一堆泥土地,只好背我去看海(繼續浪漫下去!)沒人的海邊最棒,完全不被打擾聽浪聲。實在是太愛沖繩這種默默蹦出來的景點,美到以為自己在度假!(照片真的完全無法呈現這地方多美!)

地址: 4484 Onna, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0411

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Let’s have a healthy joyful week! If you have any questions or want to collab, please comment down below or DM me on Instagram (@BrandysList). 
