Okinawa Cooking Class with NOSCO | 軍眷團學煮沖繩麵

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Wow, I’m impressed by myself! NOSCO (Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of Okinawa) learned how to make Okinawa soba and California roll from scratch! We kneaded the dough til perfect firmness and wetness, then cut it into noodle shape. We also made our own bonito flakes! YAS, we shaved it from dry fish! Of course we had to take photos after everything is done to show off to our husbands! TADA!!!! It was delicious, and this view tho!

快被自己迷倒了,覺得自己能在家開食堂了!今天軍眷們(NOSCO)來學沖繩麵和加州壽司(California Roll),從揉麵團確定麵團濕度、桿麵和切條、用鰹魚刨柴魚片做高湯,最後擺盤開吃,太有成就感了!上完課開動時,大家忙著照相寄給老公看,讓他們羨慕一下!UN,下次我會煮給你吃的! 最後送張教室望出去的超美海景!