Cherry Blossom in Okinawa

Last week marked the start of cherry blossom “sakura” season, the weather is still a bit chilly, but hints of spring are in the air. This added positive energy is much welcomed given the state of emergency that Okinawa is currently in. The species of cherry blossom in Okinawa is called Ryukyu Kanhizakura, and it blooms the earliest of all the cherry blossoms in Japan. Sakura bloom starts from northern Okinawa and spreads down south. Last week at Nago Castle Park the bloom was about 70%, this week we came to Yaedake Sakuranomori Park (Mt. Yae) to marvel at the full sakura bloom. This made up for last year when we missed the sakura season due to our trip back to the States. The various sakura festivals in Okinawa have been cancelled this year due to the pandemic. But despite it all, there were still many people who trekked up the mountain to admire the alluring sea of pink. After finding parking, we found a picnic spot, completing my dream of picnicking underneath sakura blossoms. How romantic!

上禮拜櫻花開始盛開,雖然天氣還是有點冷,但漸漸有春天的氣息了,也讓還在”state of emergency”的沖繩添加一點正能量。沖繩櫻花品種叫緋寒櫻,是全日本最早開花且品種和本島不一樣。沖繩櫻花開花時間從北邊開始往南,上個禮拜北邊的名護城公園已經約70%開花,這禮拜我們來八重岳欣賞滿滿的櫻花彌補去年回美國而錯過的沖繩櫻花。以往沖繩在這時候到處會有櫻花祭,但疫情關係全部取消。即使如此,賞櫻人潮還是好多,上山車流絡繹不絕。停好車後我們找一塊空地野餐,完成我們在日本櫻花樹下吃飯的心願,實在好浪漫。

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Okinawa Cherry Blossom Spots | 沖繩賞櫻景點