Pistachio Croissant in Maman
/之前在Soho工作時,因常去Outdoor Voices看貨而經過,卻沒機會進去。辭職後,終於能和朋友一起來這吃個簡單點心。兩人聊到以前在歐洲留學瘋狂(幼稚)行為,實在是太懷念在歐洲的那幾個月了!
When I used to work in SoHo, I would pass by this place when I visited Outdoor Voices, but never got a chance to go in. Now that I quit my job, I finally got the chance to enjoy some desserts with a friend here. The two of us talked about our study abroad days in Europe, all those crazy and immature time. I’m starting to reminisce of those months spent in Europe!
Address: 239 Centre St, New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212–226–0700
推薦開心果可頌和薰衣草熱巧克力 | Recommend pistachio croissant and lavender hot chocolate.