Weekly List: Pottery Festival | 本週清單:陶藝節

Lately the weather here in Okinawa has been a bit bipolar, one minute it will be sunny, then the next minute would be rain and wind. But overall it’s cooling down here, the perfect temperature if you ask me. Great for evening walk after dinner. What about you guys? Does it feel like Fall weather where you are?




Don’t ask me about the food. My friend and I were too overjoyed catching up that we forgot what we even ordered. It gets busy here during the weekend, at 2-3 pm it’s still about an hour wait. The interior design is instagram friendly. They take credit card and has outdoor seating. 


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Pottery Festival

Came with the intention to shop, but went home with nothing. But reignited in UN a desire to make pottery again. Does anyone have any recommendation for ceramic studio in Okinawa?


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Rachel Cafe

144- 4 - 5 Toya, Yomitan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0305

This B&B is owned by a Hong Kong couple, and they are quite popular among American troops. Reviews all rave about the good food. It was good to revisit them again. 


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Kino Store

443 Ginoza, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-1302

Sourced locally, and a newly opened store front. With my sweet tooth, I need to pay them a visit. Last week their 8 year old oven broke down, was forced to close down for the day. The day we went they had their new cake pop, so I felt obligated to try. The owner is very friendly, speaks perfect English. When they get a new oven, I will drive an hour to come back for desserts again! According to my friends, people in Tokyo would order desserts from them. 

使用沖繩當地食材,最近剛開實體店,我這麼愛吃甜食一定要來拜訪一下。上週他們烤了8年的烤箱壞了,關店休息,但去的那天他們推出”cake pop”,我當然要上去一趟。老闆非常親切,還和我們用英文聊天。等到他們新烤箱到時,我一定要在開一小時車程來買甜點!聽朋友說住東京的人都會特別訂購這家甜點!


Lequio Terrace Kanna

1703-4 Kanna, Ginoza, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-1304

How delightful the food here is! Has to be my new favorite seafood restaurant. I can’t get the taste of fresh seafood out of my mind. The day we went the owner served oysters, fish and prawns. We ordered them all. Sweet and fresh seafood. Highly recommend oysters and prawns, very delicious. They are closed on Tuesday. 


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Shelter In Place: Week 2 Check In | 第二週自主隔離

Happy Easter! I’m starting to miss being able to attend church on Sunday! Last week we still weren’t sure whether we could go out or not. But this week things got cleared up a bit. We are required to wear masks when entering base, and commissary (on base supermarket) regulates the number of shoppers inside. Okinawa without tourists feels too quiet.



Miyagi Island | 宮城島

Been to this island quite a few times, still mesmerized by its beauty. Always enjoy the view from sea factory. In the cities I’ve lived in, I’ve not seen beach this beautiful! We came across this secret beach that requires a 15 minute hike. Being afraid of snakes, I was scared the entire hike, but once we got there it was all worth it! Spots we love: Happy Cliff、Akuna Beach、Ukun Beach、Oodomari Beach、Ikei Beach、Tonnaha Beach、secret beach

來這島無數次,魅力從未減弱。美到以為自己在度假,覺得能住在沖繩真的好感恩。最喜歡到鹽廠看海,大概是我住過城市裡擁有最美海灘的地方吧!這次我們找到一個需要步行約十五分鐘的秘密海灘,害怕看到蛇的我,幾乎快被那段路嚇慘了,但非常值得。景點:Happy Cliff、Akuna Beach、Ukun Beach、Oodomari Beach、Ikei Beach、Tonnaha Beach、秘密海灘

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Kouri Island | 古宇利島

Without tourists in sight, I feel like we reserved the entire island. We came all the way here for takeout from Kouri Shrimp, but they were closed. Even the nearby seafood rice restaurant was closed. Even the usually heavily trafficked heart rock beach had just the two of us there. Spots we love: Kouri Beach, Heart Rock, INN Studio/Cafe

沒有觀光客的古宇利島冷清到像是我們包島玩。一路開來這目的只想外帶超有名蝦仁飯卻關門,連海鮮丼店也關門。我們只好繞島尋找能外帶的餐廳。平時觀光客爆滿的超著名心形石(日本男團嵐拍廣告的地點),這天只有我們倆,後悔我們沒帶泳衣。景點:古宇利海灘,心形石,INN Studio/ Cafe

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Cape Manzamo | 萬座毛

Other than the vendors, there wasn’t a soul in sight. We got takeout from my favorite Hawaiian poke bowl and planned to have our own picnic with the view and underneath the Okinawan sun. Okinawa vibe is slow living, enjoy beautiful ocean, and of course elephant trunk rock! Hopefully COVID-19 will end soon and Okinawa regains its vitality. 

除了賣紀念品小店老闆,這地方空無一人。我們外帶這島上我最愛的夏威夷蓋飯808 Poke Bowls,兩人說好如果沒人就下車看景吃飯,順便享受沖繩陽光。來這慢慢生活,欣賞大象鼻岩石,吹海風聽海聲!希望 COVID-19能快點結束,讓沖繩有點朝氣。

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I’ve grown accustomed to waiting to make sure there are no other people around before exiting my car. And if I do see someone coming in my direction, I make sure I keep at least 6 feet of distance away from them. I air hug my friends if I run into them at the grocery store. Been cooking all three meals at home everyday. Let’s keep fighting this virus together! 
