NYC Summer 2019 | 夏日紐約 2019

滿滿的四天行程,是我們完全沒預料到的大驚喜!最後一秒和朋友們約見面,感謝大家抽空出來。 這趟真的很趕,週一下午決定開車上紐約,抵達紐約時已經週二凌晨了。一上路,立刻聯絡在紐約的朋友們,完全不想錯過任何機會!


We had an eventful four days in New York City that was to our surprise it could’ve happened. Thank you to our friends who were able to meet us on last minute notice. We rushed to New York from Virginia, left on Monday afternoon and arrived past midnight. I was making calls and texting people during our drive. Didn’t want to miss any chance to hang out with friends!

I wrote this post on our cruise with so much gratitude. Towards end of June, we still had no idea what our July schedule is going to be like. The last two weeks in Virginia we had no clue how we were gonna get to Japan, and we didn’t dare book our cruise. We were shocked that everything happened according to our ideal plan. Praise the Lord for the many surprises along the way! 


SoCal Trip: Pioneertown, Salvation Mountain, Joshua Tree NP | 南加州沙漠遊

(1 month late post) We took my in-laws and drove 2 1/2 hours from San Diego to Palm Springs. Take caution of the dry heat of the dessert, be sure to apply adequate sunscreen and stay hydrated. 

遲了一個月的文章)從聖地牙哥開車帶公婆來棕櫚泉玩(Palm Springs),開車約兩個半小時。南加州天氣熱卻非常乾爽,但小心容易曬傷,記得要勤喝水、擦防曬。

Pioneertown, CA

This is not the California you know! In the middle of the dessert lies this hidden gem of a western town. Feels like a cowboy can ride out on his horse anytime. This town was built by a film company back in the 40s to shoot western movies. Rumors has it that a hotel/resort is going to be built here, but no signs of any development in the area. Mane Street is the Main Street in Pioneertown, there are various shops, saloons, and houses there. We visited it on a Monday morning, and seemed like the only places opened were post office and a couple pottery stores. 

Fate has it that we met a local pastor here. He found out we were moving to Okinawa and turned out his son is ex-military and currently lives in Okinawa. After exchanging information, the pastor prayed for our move and blessed us. And btw, he cautioned against coming to this town after sundown. 

這裡絕對不是你想像的加州!西部牛仔情景在此出現,沿路幾乎一片沙漠,感覺隨時牛仔會騎馬出現的地方,其實是片商在40年代為了拍攝影片而蓋。一直有傳言要在這建飯店變度假村,但似乎沒什麼動靜。Mane St. 是Pioneertown唯一大街,可能是週間,僅有郵局和幾家手工品店開著。那天遇到當地牧師聊天後,知道牧師兒子以前也在美軍,現居日本沖繩也很愛衝浪。好巧,我們也剛好要搬到沖繩。交換聯絡方式,方便之後聯絡。牧師也為我們到沖繩的一切禱告,希望能順利平安。對了,牧師說太陽下山後就別來這!


Salvation Mountain | 救世主山

This attraction has been on my list since my college days. Artist Leonard Knight created Salvation Mountain based on his encounter with the teachings in the Bible. Bring a few cans of paint for the park keeper to keep this area well maintained so future visitors can still enjoy it. Free admissions, donations accepted. 

距離墨西哥邊界一小時,專程開車來看從大學時期就一直想來的地方!藝術家(Leonard Knight)因接觸聖經而啟發他完成救世主山。來時帶幾筒顏料給管長,讓這地方能繼續保持給更多人參觀。無門票費,自由捐款。


Joshua Tree National Park | 約書亞樹國家公園

Home of 200 million Joshua trees. These trees only grow in Southern California, Arizona, and Utah. Before the end of September, every morning at 10 am, there are tour guides at the visitors center teaching about the wildlife that live in this national park. I recommend coming here earlier in the morning so it’s not too hot, then head to the visitors center at 10 am for the talk. 



Originally we didn’t know where to go during our short trip back to California, but UN found a great deal at JW Marriott, so we booked our Palm Springs getaway immediately. Be sure to compare prices online, you may find great deals that you will regret not snatching. 

原本回來加州不確定該到哪玩,但UN找到JW Marriott推出超優惠價格(比四星飯店更便宜),我們二話不說馬上決定到棕櫚泉一帶玩。計畫行程前可以在飯店網站或旅行網比較價錢,有時會推出你不去會哭的價錢!

North Carolina Museum of Art | 北卡美術館


搬家前最後一個輕旅行!繼上次去Glenstone愛上Thomas Phifer的建築後,一直想看更多他的作品,而北卡美術館是離家最近的點。(Glenstone真的徹底把我洗腦)

Last staycation before we leave Virginia! Ever since my visit to Glenstone, I fell in love with Thomas Phifer’s architecture and wanted to see more of his projects. The closest place is North Carolina. 


UN is fun to go to museum with. Even though he’s not interested in modern art, but he raises thought-provoking questions during the guided tour. 



North Carolina is extremely HOT! Any outdoor activities that we had planned was scratched, and we searched for any shaved ice place instead. Thank God we found Meet Fresh here in Chapel Hill! What a surprise!