2022 September List | 2022 九月清單

In the blink of an eye it’s already September! My mom came right before my birthday. I haven’t seen her in person for almost three years, and now she’s going to be a grandma! By the time that this post gets uploaded, we would already be (sleep-deprived) parents!



105 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92054

Our impromptu date night because UN and I took a long afternoon nap and we didn’t want to cook. Lately we have been taking advantage of every opportunity to sleep in or nap as much as we can. I used to feel that napping is a waste of precious time, but we have been advised by our friends that such opportunities for sweet dreams won’t come by very often when our babies arrive. We picked this restaurant which shares the same namesake as our neighbor’s dog. The food did not disappoint. I have to say Oceanside really has changed a lot. I hope you guys can come visit and even take a stroll by the beach after dinner!


Our goal is to eat all of the flavors here and create a flavor guide like we did with Blue Seal Ice Cream in Okinawa! Even my mom likes it, except that she has more self-discipline than we do. No wonder she’s able to keep her figure while we are gaining weight. If you don’t know which flavor to order, just ask the worker for recommendations!

目標是把全部口味試一遍(把這裡當成沖繩Blue Seal Ice Cream)!連我媽都覺得好吃,只是我們不像我媽這麽有紀律只吃一口(難怪我們天天臉腫),我們一口接一口,完全停不下來!P.S.店員推薦口味都非常棒!

Fishing with Dynamite

1148 Manhattan Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

It is said that this restaurant is very busy everyday and a reservation is hard to come by. But we were super lucky to be seated right away without reservation! Their crab cake is seasoned with Old Bay and tastes very different from California crab cakes.

據說這是一家天天超忙且位置超難拿到的餐廳,真開心我們馬上拿到位置!Crab Cake是東岸Old Bay口味,和加州常吃到的crab cake味道不太一樣。

Dija Mara

232 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054

Cereal Prawn is a must order! An unthinkable combination, but simply perfect! Reminds me of the cereal milk from Milk Bar in New York, except this is on a flavorful dish!

絕對要點Cereal Prawn,意想不到的搭配完全是絕配!讓我想到在紐約的Milk Bar,只是這是鹹食!

Sugar and Scribe Bakery

7660 Fay Ave Suite I, La Jolla, CA 92037

This shop is full of my favorite desserts, and the decorations are very Instagrammable. I will definitely try their croissants next time.


The Yellow Deli

315 E Broadway, Vista, CA 92084

Found another chain sandwich restaurant that I like! If you are a bread connoisseur, you must come and try their sandwiches. My favorite is Deli Rose, and my mom likes the salmon sandwich. You can skip the salad!

又找到一家我喜歡的連鎖三明治店。如果你覺得三明治的麵包很重要,一定要來這裡!我最喜歡的是Deli Rose,我媽則喜歡鮭魚三明治。至於沙拉,可以不用點!


4301 La Jolla Village Dr Suite 1000, San Diego, CA 92122

Came here with my Uncle and Auntie to cross off this restaurant that has been on my list for the longest time. Their enchiladas are stuffed with fresh ingredients from the sea, simply yum! Caution, salsa and chips are very spicy, yet delicious! Compared to their namesake restaurant in New York, this one in California has more of a chill vibe to it!

我的叔叔阿姨帶我們來吃這家放在我的清單上好久的餐廳,沒想到也是他們喜歡的餐廳之一!真材實料的enchiladas,滿滿的海鮮是我們的最愛!Salsa and chips,很辣但很過癮!和紐約的Javier’s比起來,這裡滿滿加州悠閒感!

CREDO Marriage Retreat

CREDO Marriage Retreat is hosted by Navy Chaplains, and they also have family retreats! I’m grateful to God that we are able to attend one marriage retreat before I give birth! We have been wanting to attend one since we were in Okinawa, but they always get filled up fast! During the retreat, both UN and I were worried that our babies would come in the middle of one of the sessions, but neither of us expressed our concerns until we got home. Funny that we had the same thing on our minds! From this retreat, my favorite takeaway is Daily Temperature Reading, a great way to get to know each other on a deeper level through simple questions every day. Before the retreat started, UN and I went for a walk outside of the hotel in the marina. A couple noticed us from their yacht and invited us for a visit! UN’s dream is to own a boat/yacht one day, and this invitation sent him over the moon! We both learned so much about yacht living, and UN is one step closer to achieving his dream!

CREDO是美國海軍牧師辦的婚姻營,也有專門給家庭的營會!太感謝神我們竟然能在生小孩前參加CREDO婚姻營!在沖繩時,每次只要CREDO一放消息,立刻報名滿人,我們幾乎沒機會參加!這次參加婚姻營,我和UN都超怕我上課上到一半需要去生小孩,卻不敢說出口,直到我們平安回家才敢提出來,原來我倆頭腦都在想一樣的事!這次上課,我覺得最有幫助的是Daily Temperature Reading,讓平日對話能更深入更了解對方!題外話:上課前,我們在飯店外散步,一對情侶邀我們到他們的船參觀!UN夢想擁有一艘遊艇,這個邀約讓UN開心到不行,讓我更了解遊艇人生,好像很可行耶!

Valle Guadalupe Valley Kitchen

222 N Pacific St, Oceanside, CA 92054

Very special date night for UN and I! Not only did my mom keep wanting us to have date night, but it was also our last date night before our babies arrive. It also happened to be San Diego Restaurant Week. UN picked this place next to the beach where we can see the sunset and enjoy our dinner at the same time. Every dish was so perfect from the beginning to the end! I W YOU BOO!

這個約會日非常特別,不但是我媽一直叫我們去約會(很怕我們沒情調),也是我們生小孩前最後一次兩人的date night!恰巧遇上San Diego Restaurant Week,UN選了一家在海邊旁的餐廳,每道菜都非常用心而且很有創意。從一開始的前菜到最後的甜點,我們都稱讚不絕。

72 Hours in Singapore | 新加坡三日遊


Our first international trip since the pandemic! Our last trip was more than two years ago to Iceland. After that we have been locked down in Japan. This would also be our last trip before our babies arrive. We are looking forward to traveling with our twin girls in the very near future!

UN’s idea of a Singapore trip was to relax poolside at a resort. But I jam packed our schedule with food crawl from dusk till dawn. Eating was our only mission!

Accommodation List

Marina Bay Sands

You may recognize this hotel from Crazy Rich Asians, and it definitely lives up to its hype of luxury. We were most impressed by their service. We got into Singapore on a red-eye flight and were thinking about dropping off our luggage and returning to check-in in the afternoon. Instead, they escorted us to our upgraded room at 6 am. We quickly changed into our bathing suit and took a nap by their rooftop infinity pool. In addition, we were offered late check-out the next day, and it felt like we stayed there for two days! Entrance to the infinity pool at MBS is by reservation only. You have to be a hotel guest to use the world’s longest spanning infinity pool.

Duxton Reserve Singapore

President JFK stayed at this exact hotel before, and took the same elevator that is still being used! The room designs were inspired by ancient opium houses and brothels, and have a bit of a mysterious feel to it. But we weren’t that fond of our bathroom.

Hawker Center List

Like many Asian countries, Singapore has more delicacies than there’s room in your stomach. How I wish my stomach is a bottomless pit so I can eat all that Singapore has to offer! Singapore is a small country, but my food list is too long for our short three full days there.

We visited many Hawker centers, where the options are plenty and the prices are friendly. They remind me of Taiwanese night markets and indoor food courts. If you don’t know what to order, the rule of thumb is to get to the back of the longest line that you see. Don’t hesitate to ask locals for recommendations either. Don’t know where to sit? Don’t worry, Singaporeans “reserve” their seats by putting a packet of tissue paper or umbrella on the table or the chair. Strangers are willing to let you sit with them at the same table, you just have to ask nicely. I love this kind of culture, it allows me to interact with the locals and pick their brain on what else to eat and learn their culture and history.

Maxwell Hawker Center

Home to many of the famous delicacies, such as Hainan chicken rice, also has a huge crowd!

  • Sugar cane juice with lemon: a must have no matter which Hawker center you are at. When you see it, just buy it, don’t even think twice. Only $2 Singaporean dollars, not overly sweet and will quench your thirst! We had at least one cup every single day, and we still talk about it today. Tip: add ice and lemon (a must have!)

  • Cassava cake: recommended to us by a lady who we shared a table with, tasted like sweet rice cake with coconut flakes.

  • Tian Tian Hainan Chicken Rice: Two thumbs up! The lady who we shared the table with told us that we were lucky because for many days there was a shortage of chicken imports from Malaysia, and no one was selling Hainan chicken rice. The chicken used to make Hainan chicken rice is never frozen to preserve its freshness. The meat of the chicken is not dry, and goes very well with house spicy sauce.

  • Jin Hua Fish Head Bee Hoon: condensed milk-based broth really adds a unique flavor. Many Singaporean restaurants have their own spicy sauce, but this one is particularly spicy!

  • Fu Shun Shao La Mian Jia: I actually prefer this one over the one Michelin-starred Hawker Chan. The owner is friendlier and loves to joke around!

Chinatown Complex

Another recommendation by the lady who shared our table, said this Hawker center is favored by the locals!

  • Hawker Chan: awarded one Michelin star from 2016 to 2019, known as the world’s most affordable Michelin restaurant, but its BBQ is not our favorite.

  • Bedok: The owner explained to me that the crunchy texture is like Taiwanese pickled cabbage. Definitely speaking my language! But instead of the salty flavor, this is actually sweet, I love it so much!

  • Sue Hua Fei: Chendol is a local favorite dessert. We ordered durian chendol. If we weren’t concerned for UN’s stomach, we would’ve probably each ordered one.

Lau Pa Sat (Satay Street)

We shared the same table with an Australian backpacker this time. We had the same conclusion that at Satay Street, it’s a bit more chaotic and the staff are less friendly than at other Hawker centers. The satay stands and the dining tables blocked off an entire section of the road, where during daytime there would be cars passing through.

  • Satay Street #7 & 8: We chose this stand because all other stands had waiters fighting for customers. This stand doesn't seem like they care much for your business. You don’t have to order from the set on the menu, and you can order however you like, but with a minimum of 10 skewers. The satay sauce is so good that you will definitely order more than just 10 skewers!

  • Ming Yen: Since getting pregnant, I have been craving stir fried vegetables. Ordered myself one plate when I saw it on the menu, and also added stir fried clams, another one of my favorites.

  • Tarik: Not bad, but sugar cane juice is better!

People’s Park Complex

People’s park complex: Affordable fresh fruit stands! Very chaotic and a bit dirty, but has all of my favorite fruits. Mangosteens are usually very expensive in the US and Taiwan, here it’s less than $3 for a big bag!

Restaurant List

  • Song Fa Bak Kut Teh: The couple with whom we shared a table with have been coming here since they were young (they still look young!), and they even know the owner. They told us that there’s unlimited refill on the soup, and recommended some other menu items to us. Order a pot of tea first, then some Ngoh Hiang and dough fritters, and then the pork rib soup (bak kut teh) and pig’s kidney bak kut teh. The Singaporean couple recommended the red hot sauce!

  • Kopi Express: Reminds me of Hong Kong’s “cha chan tang”, it has fast food as well as dim sum. But the weather was too hot, so we ordered Singapore’s famous ice kacang. Interesting concept to have corn kernels on top of shaved ice.

  • Mellben Signature: My college friend took us here for chili crab, but don’t be fooled by the name, it’s not that spicy! Chili crab goes really well with man-tou (fried buns). Normally I’m not a fan of anything that’s gooey, but I mopped up the chili crab sauce with man-tou. Salted egg pork ribs is another must order item!

  • Tong Ah Eating House: Known for their “Kaya Toast”, and Combo B is the best! Traditional Kaya toast feels like it’s missing something. Crispy thin toast Kaya is perfect! French toast was a little disappointing. Kopi-O is with sugar but no cream, Kopi-C is with sugar and cream, Kopi is without sugar and without cream. If you are a coffee snob, stay away from their coffee, because they are no different than instant coffee.

  • Sungei Road Laksa: This is Laksa, small portions, good for a single serving, but one will easily finish the entire bowl. Beware, it’s super spicy!

  • Taising: This stall next to Sungei Road Laksa has all the Tainan delicacies that I crave for, such as pink sausage and shrimp roll! I can’t believe I found them here in Singapore!

  • Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle: Pork liver is not my go-to, and I thought I would just take one bite and give the rest to UN, but I actually ate it all by myself, and even wanted more! This one Michelin star restaurant’s owner is super down-to-earth. Don’t get deterred by the long line. UN loves this place so much that he still talks about it!

  • Yat Ka Yan Dessert: Located on the second floor of this indoor marketplace, specializes in sweets. Find your table first, and give your table number to the store owner when you place your order. For Singapore where the recorded temperature has never dropped below 67F, eating frozen dessert in an air-conditioned room is a treat!

Sightseeing List

  • Garden By The Bay: Can be seen from the balcony of Marina Bay Sands hotel room. The free admission light show at the Garden goes on every night at 7:45 pm and 8:45 pm. You can hear the music from the light show anywhere inside the Garden. I think the best view is from above the Garden.

  • Merlion: A symbol of Singapore! Recommended route is to walk from MBS to Merlion at night (don’t do it during the day), you will get a beautiful view of the night sky. Along the way are many art exhibits and street artists.

  • Buddha Tooth Relic Temple: Arms must be covered to enter this temple. A scarf used to cover your arms is available to borrow free of charge.

  • Art Science Museum: Some of the exhibit tickets sell out very fast, so book ahead of time! We ended up visiting TeamLab here, it was a lot of fun!

  • Chijimes: if you are thinking about getting married, this would be a great location! Created as a Catholic school for girls, it has now been transformed into a square with an open area and various restaurants. A great place for UN and I to rest our tired feet and sit on the grass.

  • Little India: Singapore is a big cultural melting pot. You can find great local eats here.

  • Haji Lane: its colorful walls were featured in many travel books and magazines.

  • Singapore Changi Airport: Please note that the famous Jewel (indoor waterfall) is outside of the security checkpoint.

Thank God for this opportunity to travel to Singapore! I took at least 20,000 steps everyday during my stay. UN and I have since been back in the US for a few months now, but everyday we still talk about the food in Singapore. Especially with the current heatwave sweeping through Southern California, the craving for sugarcane juice is real! Don’t forget to budget some time to check out the world’s No.1 airport!




Marina Bay Sands

飯店走的是高大上風格,雖說不上金碧輝煌,但絕對有Crazy Rich Asians 的揮霍感。我們對MBS印象最棒的一點是我們的飛機很早就到新加坡,原以為在MBS寄放行李後就得出去走到下午直到check in時間到,但工作人員有夠貼心,讓坐紅眼班機累到不行的我們早上六點就能入住,我們直接到泳池旁睡覺。除此以外,工作人員還讓我們晚check out,有種多住一天的感覺。MBS的泳池是預約制,入住時工作人員會很仔細地解釋預約方式,只要在飯店住戶一定能享受全世界最長的無邊際泳池。

Duxton Reserve Singapore




我們去了許多熟食中心(hawker center),食物便宜又好吃,有點像是台灣露天夜市結合室內賣場美食區的概念。在熟食中心必須盲從,看到隊伍千萬別猶豫,也不需要研究該點什麼,只要問前面的當地人就好了!至於該坐哪,這點也不用擔心!新加坡人會放面紙包或雨傘在桌子或椅子上佔位置。一大張桌子可以併桌,我愛併桌文化,能和同桌新加坡人聊天,他們會推薦你更多好吃的美食,還能學到新加坡的歷史。

Maxwell Hawker Center


  • 甘蔗檸檬:熟食中心必點!不管你在哪家熟食中心,只要看到賣甘蔗檸檬汁,直接買一杯。新幣兩塊錢,好消暑的飲品,完全不會過甜喝完不解渴!在新加坡一天連喝好幾杯,到現在我們都念念不忘。切記:一定要加冰塊和檸檬(拜託要照做!)

  • 木薯糕:同桌阿姨推薦!口感有點像是甜版年糕上面有碎絲椰肉。

  • 天天海南雞飯:好吃!同桌阿姨說我們很幸運,有好幾天因馬來西亞的雞肉斷貨,沒賣海南雞飯。阿姨說海南雞用的雞肉是沒有冷凍過的,保持雞肉原本的鮮味。我和UN都覺得雞肉不會乾(可能我們吃慣美國超乾雞胸肉),配上辣椒醬,超好吃。

  • 金華魚片米粉:好特別,湯頭加煉乳,味道更濃郁。在新加坡,許多店都有屬於自己的辣椒醬,這家超辣,像是吃辣椒子的辣感。

  • 福順錦記燒臘麵家:老實說這家比起摘星米其林燒臘店好吃,而且老闆比較親民,還很愛開玩笑!

Chinatown Complex


  • Hawker Chan: 2016年到2019年米其林一星,是米其林最便宜的餐廳,但這不是我們的最愛。

  • 水粿: 當我問老闆上面脆脆口感是什麼,老闆用我很熟悉的台語回答菜脯!天阿,瞬間像是回到台灣!和台灣菜脯完全不一樣,味道是甜甜的,難怪我這麼喜歡!

  • 雪花飛:煎洛(chendol)是住在新加坡朋友推薦必吃的甜點冰。我們點了榴蓮煎洛,要不是擔心UN吃冰腸胃不適應,我們應該會一人一碗冰。

Lau Pa Sat(沙爹街)


  • Satay Street #7 & 8: 我們選沙爹7&8,你會發現其他家都一直拉客人,這家反應太慢還不給點菜。不需要照著菜單一樣,可以點自己想吃的(必須點10支以上),但沙爹醬好吃到你絕對不可能只點10支。

  • 銘雁:自從懷孕,我天天想吃炒空心菜。看到招牌有炒青菜馬上點一盤,還加上我愛的貝殼類海鮮。

  • 拉茶:是不錯啦,但甘蔗汁完勝!

People’s Park Complex



  • 松發肉骨茶: 同桌新加坡夫婦從年輕吃到還是很年輕,還認識老闆。他們告訴我們能無限加湯,也推薦我們必點食物。點菜前先點一壺茶,然後點五香捲、油條、排骨肉骨茶、豬腰肉骨茶。新加坡夫妻推薦辣椒醬用紅色的!

  • Kopi Express: 讓我想起在香港的茶餐廳,有賣快餐和點心,但天氣實在太熱,我們點了新加坡有名的ice kacang,最特別的是冰上有淋玉米粒。

  • Mellben Signature:大學學妹帶我們來吃辣椒蟹,別被名字騙了,一點都不辣!辣椒蟹一定要配上小饅頭(感謝學妹點菜),完美指數報表。連不愛吃稠稠醬類的我都把小饅頭和辣椒蟹吃光。鹹蛋排骨也必點,只是份量有夠大,把我們三人都吃撐了!

  • 東亞餐室:套餐B最好吃!法國吐司讓我們失望,傳統咖椰吐司又感覺少一味,但酥脆薄片吐司是最完美的!咖啡烏是帶糖不加奶,咖啡是沒糖沒奶,咖啡C是加糖加奶(菜單上沒解釋)。如果你對咖啡很挑的話,這是即溶咖啡的味道!

  • 結霜橋叻沙:原來這就是laksa,小小一份,一人一碗,好吃到我們把碗清空,但非常辣!

  • 泰興:是結霜橋叻沙旁的一家小吃攤,賣的全是我懷念的台南美食,像粉紅色香腸和蝦捲!這些就是我心心念念,一直喊著回台南一定要吃的食物,竟然在新加坡找到。

  • 大華豬肉粿條面:對豬肝沒好感的我,一開始抱持豬肝只吃一口就給UN的心態,但最後我把豬肝全吃光,還一直喊著想要再吃。米其林一星,老闆人超和藹可親,千萬別被長長隊伍嚇跑了,連UN都超愛這家店!

  • 一家人:位在二樓,專賣甜品。到了先選位置,然後點菜時老闆娘會問座位。在平均溫度不低於67度的新加坡,在冷氣房裡吃冰真的太舒服了!


  • Garden By The Bay:從MBS房間往外看就是Garden by The Bay,每天晚上7:45和8:45有免費燈光表演。表演音樂聲音在Garden By The Bay的每個角落都聽得到,我覺得最棒的角度是在上層。

  • 新加坡魚尾獅:來新加坡必看的魚尾獅!大力推薦晚上從MBS一路走到魚尾獅(千萬別在正中午做這事),不但能看到超美夜景,沿路還有許多裝置藝術。

  • 象牙寺:進入寺廟記得遮手臂,寺廟有提供薄巾使用。

  • Art Science Museum:原本想看的展覽,但我們沒有提早預約門票(以為疫情不會賣光票),我們只好去TeamLab玩。

  • Chijimes:還沒結婚的人,這裡辦婚禮很漂亮喔!從學校轉變到現在有餐廳和綠地,我和UN走路走到快鐵腿,這裡讓我們能坐在草地上休息。

  • Little India:喜歡新加坡融合各國文化,在地美食在這都能找到。

  • Haji Lane:五顏六色的牆,你肯定在各個旅行書或網誌上看過這地方!

  • Singapore Changi Airport:切記機場裡超有名的室內瀑布是出海關後才能看到(好險朋友提醒!)


Our First Ever Babymoon | 產前蜜月


Babymoon: traveling while pregnant to enjoy the calm before our family grows from two to four. Recommend to do it during the second trimester.


We originally planned to rent a car, but considering that getting around in Nikko will require driving through serpentine mountainous roads, we opted to take public transportation instead (a wise choice). From Utsunomiya, we took the JR to Nikko station and hopped on the bus to Lake Chūzenji. The bus dropped us off right in front of The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko, very convenient and affordable.


The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko

The one and only Ritz-Carlton with natural onsen, flowing down from the popular onsen town Yumoto. Our room faces Lake Chūzenji, to the right is Mount Nantai, quite a serene scene. The hotel design is chic minimalist, not a lot of presumptuous superfluous decorations, and not too many empty spaces that birth excessive lines and angles. There’s a level of comfort and a sense of coming home as you sit in the lobby (if only my house is this beautiful!). Most impressionable is our host Ms. Inoue, who greeted us and helped us check in. We chatted briefly about the purpose of our trip and why we chose Nikko, and that same night when we returned to our room after dinner, Ms. Inoue and hotel staff surprised us with a “Welcome Baby” balloon and towel cake on our bed!

When we planned our babymoon, I was in charge of picking the location, and UN was in charge of planning the rest. I kept debating if we should go somewhere we haven’t been before, such as Ine of Kyoto Prefecture, or revisit my favorite city in Japan, which is Nikko. I asked UN what is his favorite city in Japan, and as if he read my mind, he answered Nikko without hesitation. Nikko it is!

Nikko’s beauty is unparalleled, ideal for a babymoon. The first day when we arrived it was a bit misty from the rain, quite mysterious and yet romantic. Before dinner, UN and I even walked along the lake with an umbrella in the light drizzle. The sun came out the next day.

Babymoon has been something that seemed out-of-reach. Since getting married, we learned that getting pregnant is not as easy as we thought. There were many hiccups along the way. From being diagnosed with infertility, to considering adoption, seeking treatments, to starting IVF in July 2020, and the many failures in between. When I started opening up to my friends about this issue, I started learning that I am not alone in this journey. I hope infertility becomes less of a taboo topic. At the fertility clinic, I met many ladies who live healthy lifestyles and have healthy diets, the complete opposite of what I have been told about people who suffer from infertility. Throughout the entire IVF process, I’m thankful that UN respected every one of my decisions. January 2022 was gonna be our sixth and the last time going through IVF. God has been so good to us, He blessed us with more than we could ask for, turned one embryo into two. And because of His grace, we were able to go on this babymoon!

Japanese breakfast

Western breakfast

Afternoon Tea at The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko



原先計畫租車,但考慮到我們已去過大部分景點和往日光必經的九彎十八拐,我們決定坐公車(明智的決定)。坐JR到日光站下車換巴士,巴士會在The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko門口停靠,方便又便宜。


The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko

第一家提供日式溫泉的Ritz-Carlton,溫泉水源從上次來日光時有去的湯元(非常有名的溫泉聖地)。房間面向中禪寺湖,右邊俯瞰男體山,環境清幽。飯店設計走的是我很愛的簡潔路線,沒有多餘擺設或是過於極簡產生太多線條感,整體非常舒適輕鬆,有種回到家的感覺(只希望我家也這麼美)。最讓我們印象深刻的是我們和幫我們check-in的Inoue San閒聊,我們隨意提到這次來日光的目的和我們有多愛這地方。沒想到晚餐後回到房間,Inoue San和工作人員們竟然準備了Welcome Baby的氣球和毛巾蛋糕,真是太大的驚喜了!


