Cincinnati Sports Games | 美國辛辛那提球賽體驗


One of my favorite parts about Cincinnati is the many great sports teams. The whole city will drop everything to tune in or be at the game. Everywhere you go you will see people repping Cincinnati’s teams.


We usually get our tickets from Seat Geek, seamless and convenient. It shows you what your view will look like when you purchase the tickets. Other apps that we compare with are Ticketmaster and StubHub. Sometimes you can snatch a great deal moments before the game!


Purses need to be under a certain dimension, and have to be transparent. If you bring little ones to the game, you can bring a diaper bag with essentials like diapers, wipes, and baby foods.


Most fans will be donning their team’s jersey. Sometimes there will be a theme. The Rams vs. Bengals game had a “White Out” theme, and Bengals put up billboards reminding fans of that. Baseball season is usually during the hottest months, and football season is usually during the colder months, so dress appropriately!

FC Cincinnati

FC Cincinnati used to be the worst team in professional soccer. But since they moved into their new TQL Stadium, they got really good, and are now ranked first in the league! Thanks to UN for staying home to watch the kids, so that my friend and I can come watch the match. We ended up losing to FC Orlando 0-1, but the match was so exciting. TQL Stadium is set up like a European soccer stadium where there is no obstructed view. Highly recommend everyone to come to a match here to experience the American soccer atmosphere. I am coming back to watch the next match from The Bailey!

Cincinnati Reds

Live sports events have regulations such as only clear bags of a certain size are allowed. But they make exceptions for fans with babies. You can bring in your diaper bag, stroller, baby foods, and any other baby essential items. Great American Ball Park even has nursing rooms and kids play areas. GH are lucky stars for the Cincinnati Reds, they scored multiple home runs and won both of the games that they attended!

Cincinnati Bengals

When UN found out we were moving to Cincinnati, he texted me “WHO DEY!” The one live sports game we look forward to the most is seeing the Bengals play. I think every learning to watch football is on the top 10 to-do list when moving to the United States. Every game is loud and full of emotions, very unabashedly American.

Cincinnati is different from other cities that we have lived in. Here you can truly experience the passion and fervor sports fans have for their teams. Come visit us in Cincinnati and  go to a sports game with us!



我們通常在Seat Geek上買票,便利且快速。最喜歡的功能是選位置時,能很清楚的給你看觀賞位置和遠近度。TicketmasterStubHub也能買到票,可以多用幾個app做比較。有時在比賽前幾天會有便宜門票釋放出來,有機會拿到價位好且位置棒的票。




大部分的人一定會穿著自己支持的隊伍衣服。有時會有特別主題,像我們這次看Bengals和Rams比賽,那天衣服主題是white out(路上看板到處提醒球迷記得穿白色)。棒球季節很熱,美式足球季很冷,切記舒適最重要!

FC Cincinnati

據說FC Cincinnati以前大墊底,但自從TQL Stadium建完(改朝換代的概念),他們變超強,現在成為全聯盟第一名!感謝UN在家顧小孩,讓我能和朋友一起來看球賽。雖然以一比零成績敗給佛州奧蘭多隊,但球賽還是超精彩。而且TQL球場設計很像在歐洲看球賽,觀眾席無死角,絕對推薦各位來看比賽,感受一下在美國看足球的氣氛。


Cincinnati Reds


Cincinnati Bengals

認識UN的人都知道他是美式足球狂熱迷!UN一知道我們要搬來辛辛那提的時候,他傳給我的簡訊寫説WHO DEY,我馬上知道我們要來這裡了!Who Dey是孟加拉虎隊的口號,比賽前還有隊呼,超high!從我們還沒搬來前,UN就常在家裡練隊呼,所以來看這場比賽,UN真的是興奮又期待!來了辛城三個月,看了兩場Bengals的比賽,UN覺得不亦樂乎,已經在考慮明年是不是該買季票了!我認為看美式足球比賽絕對是列為來美國十樣必做的事情之一。雖然每次看球都覺得好大聲好激動,但這就是美國文化,一定要把內心澎湃心情毫不掩飾的呈現出來。


2023 October List | 十月清單

Cincinnati turned into Fall overnight. Without any warning, the morning temperature dropped below 40 degrees. Not only does my mom think it’s cold, I was caught off guard and had to dig out my winter clothes from the storage. What’s gonna happen when Winter comes? Even so, I love the distinct seasons, especially seeing the foliage and brown leaves lining the streets, making me fall in love with Cincinnati even more!


Ten Seconds

7606 Cox Ln, West Chester Township, OH 45069

I can’t believe Cincinnati has Guo Qiao rice noodles! Love! A newly opened Chinese restaurant, even though it’s a bit far from where we live, it is worth the drive. Asian food options are scarce in this town.


I love the cold, brisk Fall weather! After breakfast, we met up with our friends at the Sunflower Festival. In addition to the sunflower fields, there’s also pumpkin patches, food stands, corn mazes, and even a farmer's market. The sunflowers are good for picking, and are just $1 each stem.


VV The Italian Experience

We often drive by this place, and I’ve told UN that I want to visit all the shops along this street. On Sunday before church, while the babies are asleep, UN and I came here for coffee and breakfast. UN ordered a latte, and was quite impressed. This place has become one of our frequent spots.


Delicious cocktails! Thankful for my mom for looking after our babies, so that we can go on our date and not worry about time. Food is above average. We will definitely come back!


Hello Honey

Love their charcoal sesame flavor! After putting the kids to sleep, we came out for ice cream. We often get the ramen from next door, but never save enough room for desserts. We liked the charcoal sesame and honey lavender. Looking forward to trying out all of their other flavors. This is so far my favorite ice cream place in Cincinnati!

好喜歡Charcoal Sesame口味!飯後把寶寶們弄睡後,我們跑來這裡吃冰淇淋。常到隔壁吃拉麵,但一直沒機會來這裡吃甜點。這次點Charcoal Sesame和Honey Lavender都非常棒,期待下次是更多口味。榮登我在辛城最愛的冰淇淋店!

Streetside Brewery

Highly recommended for people who like fruity beers! I ordered a Hoodie SZN, the fruit fragrance is on point, and not so bitter like regular beer. Be careful, it’s very easy to drink more than just one.

很推薦喜歡果味啤酒的人!我這次喝的是Hoodie SZN,果香十足,不愛啤酒苦味的人可以嘗試。由於太好喝了(沒有苦澀啤酒味),實在很容易喝多!

Pho Lang Thang

Mushroom congee and chicken congee are delectable. But I probably won’t order the pho again. They also have a soft serve shop next door, and it was recommended to us by our friends. They are open from Wednesday to Sunday, located in Over The Rhine, so be careful where you park.

香菇粥和雞肉粥都非常好吃,但我可能不會再點pho。他們也在隔壁開了soft serve冰店,朋友非常推薦,但只開星期三到日。餐廳地點在OTR,停車或走在路上需要小心一點。

Madeira Farmers’ Market

Farmer’s markets in Cincinnati are only till the end of October! Starting November, there will be gradually less and less stands, and their business hours are shorter. I guess farmers here have to prepare for Winter. We came here right before Halloween, and there were many kids dressed up in cute costumes. Also our babies’ first time carving pumpkin!


2023 September List | 九月清單

Welcome my mom to Cincinnati and celebrate our babies’ first birthday!

Monthly list is back! After months of hiatus due to cross-country move, renovation (still in progress), and getting situated, Cincinnati is finally starting to feel like home.



Ohio Renaissance Festival (9/2-10/29)

We came on a hot opening day, yet everyone came dressed up! As soon as you enter, you are transported in time back to Medieval times. There are many performances and activities. Food options are great also. Must get the turkey leg, a fan favorite and GH approved!


Blooms and Berries Farm Market (9/16-10/31)

Kids are half price on Tuesdays!
So much fun here! One of the things we looked forward to the most moving to the midwest is the pumpkin patch. There are so many activities for everyone of all ages. It exceeded all of my expectations! The Bee Train ride is very fast-paced, but you can bring your baby. GH aren’t a fan, but UN and I rode it multiple times. We love it!

有夠好玩!搬來中部,我們最期待的活動之一就是來南瓜園。地大且好多好玩的活動,南瓜一顆比一顆肥美,完全符合期待值!其中有個遊樂設施Bee Train,能帶寶寶們一起玩,有點快速且刺激。雖然GH不太喜歡,但我和UN連續坐了好多次(感謝我媽和朋友看小孩)!

UN likes the coffee here! I love the atmosphere. You will find this place crowded on the weekends.


Cincinnati has many breweries, Madtree is a popular local one. They opened in 2013, and in 2017 they converted an old airplane hangar in Oakley and turned it into a family friendly brewery. Their food is delicious, has many beer options, and spacious indoor and outdoor seatings. Highly recommend it!


The National Exemplar

If you visit us in the winter, I will take you to brunch here! It feels like you are dining inside a snow cabin, a first choice for breakfast. We ordered Seasoned Breakfast Potatoes, a bit salty, but other foods are awesome!

如果冬天來找我們,我一定會帶你來這裡吃早午餐!很像冬季雪裡的小木屋,絕對是早午餐首選餐廳。我們點了Seasoned Breakfast Potatoes,有點過鹹,但其他食物都很棒。

Their hummus is to die for! Must order! They serve Mediterranean food. We ordered Rainbow Veggie Hummus Bowl for the babies, not only do GH love it, we love it also! Alma’s Choice and Blazing Balkin are worth the try also.

哇,他們的鹰嘴豆泥有夠好吃!必點!以地中海和中東食物為主,原本點給寶寶們的Rainbow Veggie Hummus Bowl,不但GH好愛,我們也讚不絕口(開始跟小孩搶食物)。Alma’s Choice和Blazin Balkin也是我們很推薦的兩道。

Grand Oriental Chinese Restaurant

4800 Fields Ertel Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45249

If you bring kids, you must bring your own chairs for eating! As for the dim sum, slightly above average, can definitely satisfy UN and my craving for dim sum.


There aren’t that many Asians here, so we were quite surprised to find authentic Southeast Asian cuisine. We came back a few times, and our favorite is the roasted duck!


Thank you for coming! I will see you next month!
