2021 December List: Merry Christmas

I love this time of the year! Despite being so cold, the numerous events kept me so busy that I couldn’t just cozy up at home if I wanted to.


Tomato Plant | 家種小番茄


Grown from the seed up over the past 6 month! This process took us through some emotional rollercoaster!

3 MEF Band Christmas Concert

What a performance! The music truly brought Christmas to those of us who are stationed in Japan! No wonder my clarinet teacher said this is their most popular performance!


Raft Fishing | 筏釣


Even though we didn’t catch a lot of fish like we did before, I still like activities like fishing where I can think about other things while keeping my hands busy (with embroidery!)

Cake Decorating Workshop | 蛋糕裝飾課

The Naval Officer Spouse Club of Okinawa learned how to decorate a cake this month, and the product of my hard labor once again gave UN a nice surprise! Our teacher gave us step-by-step instructions, and answered many of my questions about making a cake.


Staycation at Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island

Our wedding was held at a Hyatt hotel in San Diego, so this brand has a special place in our hearts. This Hyatt Regency in Okinawa did not disappoint! Lofted ceiling at the lobby, ocean view room, heated swimming pool and jacuzzi, and a great selection of restaurants to choose from all allowed us to relax during our staycation.


Christmas Party | 聖誕派對

Winner from the raffle at this year’s Christmas Party!! Hooray!


3 MEF Band Chopper V Promotion

My first time witnessing the promotion of a dog! It was super cute! Chopper sang along with the band for the Marine’s anthem, and even barked once when asked to give a speech for his promotion!


Christmas | 聖誕節

We visited Niigata and played (and got stuck) in the snow! Post to follow!


III MEF Band Christmas Concert

Raft Fishing

Cake Decoration Workshop

Chopper V from III MEF Band

Raft Fishing

Christmas Party

Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island

View from our room.

Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island

2021 November List: First Wedding in Okinawa

Before you know it, we are near the end of 2021. November was quite memorable; I’m grateful for my friends who I can spend Thanksgiving with.


Weaving Class | 日本手工編織

The Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club Okinawa learned how to weave this month, and we made a handbasket. UN was quite impressed by the quality of this project.


Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club Okinawa

Yo-Yo Ma Concert | 馬友友演奏會

When UN sent me a picture of Yo Yo Ma’s concert poster, my immediate thought was that this concert would be in mainland Japan. But after reading the fine print, I found out it’s actually taking place here in Okinawa! In Japan, you can purchase concert tickets at convenience stores. UN and I went to Lawson to get Yo Yo Ma’s concert tickets using the ticket machine. After about 20 minutes of not being able to purchase the tickets, we asked for help. The store clerk was very helpful, but she wasn’t able to help us purchase the tickets either. Then UN pulled out the picture of the poster, and we learned that the tickets were only being sold at Family Mart. (How embarrassing!) The concert was postponed numerous times from Spring of 2021 to November due to the pandemic. The location of the concert is at the newly built Okinawa Sports Arena, not the same as at a concert hall. I hope that we will be able to see Yo Yo Ma play at a concert hall in the future.


Okinawa Sport Arena

Yo-Yo Ma Concert

Pie Making | 派教學

I’ve always wanted to make my own pie crust, but the recipes I found online all seemed very complicated, I gave up before I even finished reading the intro. This time, my friend P offered to teach us pie making from scratch. Homemade pie crust is so crispy and delicious, no wonder my friend insists that we make our own pie crust. My first time making apple pie and chicken pot pie was a success! Thankful for my friend P’s patience with us!


Chicken Pot Pie

Making Apple Pie

Kimono Modeling | 沖繩服飾拍攝

Shooting location was at Yambaru Hostel, I was a bit nervous, but thankfully my friend E was there to support me!

拍攝是在Yambaru Hostel,有夠緊張,但好險好友E在旁陪伴!

Photo by Yanbaru Hostel

Photo by Yanbaru Hostel

Fun experience!

With Eagle San and Kotomi San

Friendsgiving Dinner | 感恩節前夕聚餐

With just the 5 of us, we made enough food to feed 50! We made four kinds of desserts, and numerous dishes. No one went home hungry for sure. Instead of saying what we were thankful for the year, we ended up roasting one another. I love the energy and fun that my group of friends bring!


Friendsgiving Dinner

Friendgiving Dinner

Yanbaru | 沖繩山原

練習慢生活就來這裡!曾經有朋友問我在日本最喜歡哪場旅行,來山原這裡過生活絕對是我的最愛之一。比起城市生活,我更愛這種樸實無華又帶著悠閒的生活。喜歡走在田野間偶見工作的農夫,熱情招待我們。我愛這裡,真希望能搬來這裡!這週,朋友E帶我到他的同事和枝(Katsue San)家吃飯,用不同方法烹煮豬料理。來吃飯的一位鄰居阿姨(Yoshie San)說這可不是一般豬,是山豬和白豬生出來的混血兒。

Slow living starts here in Yambaru! I was once asked where in Japan do I like the most, I can now confidently say that staying in Yambaru is definitely one of my favorite things to do. Contrast to the busy city life, I quite enjoy the simple and leisurely life in Yambaru. I love walking by farms and chatting up the farmers, and being randomly welcomed to their home for a home cooked farm-to-table meal. I would totally move here! I went with my friend E to her co-worker's place for dinner. They prepared many pork dishes, and I learned that the pork came from a mixed line of wild boar and farm pig.


He offered us so much fresh vegetables!


Food prepping for dinner party

Yoshie San

Pork skewers

So delicious!

Katsue San

Thanksgiving Dinner | 感恩節大餐

I was quite surprised that my little home can fit 10 people for a Thanksgiving dinner! I was in charge of the turkey this year, and started marinating three days ago. I used Chinese spices for the marinade, and stuffed the turkey with mochi rice (which I learned from my friends W&E). I was worried that my friends would not like the Chinese style turkey, but everyone went for second and third servings!


Thanksgiving Dinner

Power Boat License | 開船執照

UN’s dream is to buy a boat in the future. I decided to give him a surprise by signing him up for a power boat driving class. There was pure joy written all over UN’s face when he was steering. He said he’s one step closer to achieving his dream!


UN was so happy!

With our classmate and instructor!

First Indian Wedding | 第一次印度婚禮

Congratulations to S&K on their wedding! The new couple are perfect for each other, they even accidentally picked the same Bible verse for their vows. Thanks for inviting us to your wedding. Our first time attending a wedding in Okinawa, and our first time attending an Indian wedding as well! Honored to be able to dance at your wedding! Cheers to a new beginning and to forever!


The Newlyweds!

We are all matching!

Dance crew

From Neighborhood Church

2021: Be Consistent and Committed

I’m excited to share our unplugged vacation to mainland Japan, but I’ll save it for the next post. First, I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’ve been looking forward to 2021 since Thanksgiving, so many great plans and goals I want to achieve this year like run 100 miles in one month, pass N4 Japanese exam, and many more. 

My theme for this year is to be consistent and be committed. Anything you want to work on this year? What’s your goals? Let me know!

和菓子 Wagashi

和菓子 Wagashi

Chinese Translation

等不及分享我們的unplugged vacation,但我想先和大家說聲新年快樂!感恩節時我已經超期待新年,有太多事情想做像是一個月內跑足100英里、考過日文N4、還有好多好多目標想達成。
