Weekly List: Happy Moon Festival | 本週清單:中秋節快樂

Okinawa weather changed so suddenly. It was super hot just a few days ago, but after one day of raining, all of a sudden it’s getting a little chilly now. The temperature right now is in the 70s, and I fell cold. So much that I’ve gotten out my Fall clothes. This post is a few weeks delayed, please excuse my tardiness.


Kudaka Island | 久高島

OMG, I saw snakes here! Snakes in the wild, not the kind you see in museum. We got up at 6 am to meet up at Azama Port, got on the ferry to Kudaka Island. It only takes 20 minutes to get here, faster ferry takes only 15. Okinawan people believe that their ancestors Amaikiyo landed on Kudaka Island, therefore, there remains many places of worship here. Priestess would host ceremonies at these worship places.  Please know that these are considered scared places of worship and are not accessible to visitors. You can see Kudaka Island from Sefa-Utaki. Both Sefa-Utaki and Kudaka Island are considered sacred. Kudaka Island is not big, recommend to do a bike tour after you get off from the ferries. 

我要崩潰了!我竟然看到蛇,不是在博物館那種標本,是野外蛇!一群朋友早上六點集合出發到位在東南邊的Azama Port坐船到久高島,只要20分鐘(快船約15分鐘)就能到這小島。沖繩人相信他們的祖先Amamikiyo降臨在久高島地方,因此這裡還保留許多祭拜的場地,而祝女會來這裡辦儀式和祈禱。切記,這些地點是不能進去的!從Sefa-Utaki能看到久高島,這兩個地點也是沖繩最神聖的地方。整個島不大,下船後建議能租台腳踏車環島,非常方便。

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Moon Festival BBQ | 中秋節烤肉

Originally was planning to go back to Taiwan for Moon Festival, but you know! I can’t believe my friend K was able to order some pomelos. My mom also sent us some moon cakes from Taiwan. A group of us Taiwanese friends gathered together for a BBQ, to bring some Taiwanese festivity to Okinawa. Is it just me or why do I associate fireworks with Moon Festival?


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Scuba Diving at Mermaid Grotto | 沖繩潛水景點

UN went deep sea fishing with some friends, I went scuba diving instead. Thanks to my friend C for letting me be the third wheel. This time I captured 2 green sea turtles, one shark, and Nemo and family. My friend C is getting ready to move to Europe, so this was the last dive before they leave. Thank you for never giving up on me despite my many panic attacks while scuba diving. Thank you for taking care of me. 

UN和朋友一起去海釣,我和朋友們去潛水!感謝朋友C讓我當電燈泡,這次收服兩隻綠蠵龜、一隻鯊魚和Nemo一家人!朋友C要準備搬到歐洲了,這算是他們離開前一起的最後一潛。感謝朋友C不放棄我,記得第一次和她潛水時,我整個人panic attack還被浪吹的像瘋子,但他還是願意和我做朋友,邀我一起潛水,照顧我,由心感謝!

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2 Jerks

Eh, it actually tastes pretty good! This reminds me of two years ago when we went to Jamaica. When can we travel again?! The meat is not dry, sauce is on point. It’s not as spicy as the ones we had in Jamaica, but it definitely exceeded my expection!

哎唷,竟然還不錯!讓我們好想念兩年前去牙買加狂吃Jerk Chicken的時候,什麼時候能出國旅行啊?肉質不乾,醬也不錯,雖然不像在牙買加吃到的那麼辣,但在異國食物沙漠的沖繩裡,這水平還是讓我有點嚇到!

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