Zamami Island 3 Days Plan | 三天兩夜座間味島

Found out last minute that UN gets Friday off, so we planned an impromptu weekend staycation. Finalized our scuba diving trip at Zamami island, reserved for diving, booked ferry and hotel tickets all within a matter of 24 hours! Thus began our quick 72 hour staycation. 


Transportation | 交通

At Tomari Port, you have the option of taking a fast boat (~ 1 hour) or regular ferry (~ 2 hours, + ¥400 if you bring a bike). Reserve by telephone, pay in person, and they accept credit cards. There’s parking lot available at the port, 3 days and two nights of parking costs us ¥3,600, cash only. 

在Tomari Port搭船,有快船(約一個小時)和一般船(約兩小時,多加400日幣能帶腳踏車)。電話預約,現場付款,接受信用卡。停車場三天兩夜約3600日幣,只收現金。

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Dining | 食

432-2 Zamami, Shimajiri Bezirk, Okinawa 901-3402

For the size of this island, you have quite the option for restaurants. Selection ranges from American to Japanese foods, freshly squeezed juice and Okinawa soba. Our shuttle driver recommended this place to us. It seems like every restaurant on this island offers two-option lunch specials. Good thing UN and I tend to order different things so we can share. There are locals who dine here too, and they have English menu! This was our favorite restaurant on Zamami!


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Little Kitchen
29 Zamami, Shimajiri Bezirk, Okinawa 901-3402

Two-option lunch specials. We both agree the rice was better. This cafe has a familiar scene to those on Okinawa main island. It’s designs attract many tourists. Food-wise we prefer the one we had on the first day. 


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〒901-3402 沖縄県島尻郡座間味村座間味 島

We walked past this restaurant on the first day. It’s blue exterior stands out among the white and gray houses surrounding it. We had the notion that most island foods are mediocre at best, but this trip to Zamami changed our minds. 


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Accomadation | 住宿

Kerama Beach Hotel

We used Go To Campaign to book hotel, it’s a Japanese subsidy program to promote intracountry travel. We saved 35% on hotel stay that included Japanese kaiseki breakfast and dinner for two night stay. The rooms were clean, and food was authentically Okinawan. The hotel has washers and dryers and areas to clean your diving equipments. They provide free beach towels and ikea bag. Shuttle bus takes you to popular places on the island. You can even stargaze by the beach at night right outside of the hotel. 

我們使用Go To Campaign訂住宿,是日本政府幫助旅遊業的優惠,以65折價訂到三天兩夜的一食二泊。房間相當乾淨,食物也很好吃。飯店有完整設備,潛水後能洗衣服和整理配備的地方。去海邊,飯店也會準備浴巾和袋子。想去不同景點,有飯店接駁車接送。還有,晚上能在外面看星星!

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Day One | 第一天

Fuzuzamami Beach 古座間味ビーチ
1743 Zamami, Shimajiri Bezirk, Okinawa 901-3402

Thank God we didn’t get bit by Titan Trigger Fish and we are safe and sound. We arrived in Zamami at noon, hotel sent a shuttle bus to pick us up. After checking in we immediately went to this Michelin green guide recommended must-visit beach in Okinawa. The water is crystal clear, you can see 30 feet down to the bottom by snorkeling alone! But we also encountered a potentially aggressive and dangerous fish. We didn’t know what it was at the time. We were swimming inside the swimming allowed zone, and a big fish swam towards us. We both thought it was very pretty, and we’ve never seen fish as big as the size of UN’s leg while snorkeling before. The fish was so close to us that we could even see its teeth. Didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until we uploaded the video that our friend informed us what it was. We still think this was the best beach we’ve ever snorkeled at, but must be very careful!

我們先感謝神,讓我們平安無事,讓我們沒被魚咬!中午12點到座間味島,飯店接駁車就來接我們。把行李放好後我們直衝被米其林指南評選為來沖繩必去的海灘。這裡透明度滿分,浮潛直接能見底,但恐怖的是我們遇到會攻擊人的魚。浮潛時我們完全不知情,一直在規定能游泳的區域游泳,但有隻大魚(Titan Trigger Fish)和海蛇一直往我們方向游。當時覺得很好玩,浮潛這麼多次,從來沒見過有UN小腿一樣長的大魚。我們和那魚超靠近,還能清楚見到牙齒,但我們不以為意,覺得這裡的魚應該沒問題。殊不知把影片放到Instagram後,熟知海底魚類的朋友C告訴我們那魚會咬人,見到必須遠離。雖然我們認為那裡是最棒的浮潛點,但一定要小心!

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Day Two | 第二天

Joy Joy Diving
434-2 Zamami, Shimajiri Bezirk, Okinawa 901-3402

Our neighbor raves about diving in Zamami. We were not disappointed one bit. Visibility here is unparalleled. I felt like I was in Finding Nemo with all the sea turtles and fishes swimming around us. The corals were so beautiful that GoPro doesn’t do it justice. Our diving guide Joy Joy took us to to three dive spots: Sakubaru Kakurene、Agaizachi、Ama Beach Mae. Our first time spotting a very shy octopus. Boat dive is really relaxing, no need to drag a lot of heavy equipment. Our guide Taka-San would give us a brief before every dive, and our captain would make sure all of our equipments were working properly. What we saw under the water was exactly the same as what’s on their travel poster. No false advertisement here. 

我們鄰居很愛來座間味島潛水,也常常給我們看他拍的照片,期望非常高的我們完全沒失望。海底能見度真的誇張,一下水瞬間變成海底總動員。馬上見到一堆魚和海龜在旁邊游泳,而且一片珊瑚美到GoPro完全拍不出來這美度啊!這次Joy Joy Diving帶我們到3個潛點:Sakubaru Kakurene、Agaizachi、Ama Beach Mae,第一次看到非常害羞的章魚呢!船潛就是輕鬆,不需背裝備狼狽下水。我們的導遊Taka San會在下水之前介紹海況和路線圖,船長也會幫我們檢查氣瓶配備有沒有裝好。座間味島的旅遊宣傳海報和我在海底看到的一模一樣,完全沒有廣告不實(還更美!)

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Ama Beach 阿真ビーチ
〒901-3403 沖縄県島尻郡座間味村阿真

I don’t know where the energy came from, but after three dives, we came to Ama Beach to snorkel some more and look for more sea turtles. They say you can spot sea turtles during high tide here. In the summer the sea turtles would lay their eggs at this beach. The water was getting cold during the afternoon, but that didn’t bother UN, he jumped in the water immediately. Just as I was still adjusting to the water temperature, UN said he already saw sea turtles. I immediately swam towards him. Seeing a sea turtle never gets old. Snorkeling here is not as mesmerizing as at Furuzamami, but there’s sea turtles, so it’s definitely worth visiting. The sunset here is absolutely stunning, no wonder it’s a tourist favorite. 


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Day Three | 第三天

We didn’t plan much for this day. Walked on the beach, enjoyed our lunch. In the afternoon we said goodbye to Kerama Blue. We thought Okinawa’s water is amazing, Kerama water is another level of beauty. You must make your way out here if you visit Okinawa. 

這天我們沒有特別安排,在海邊走。中午時找家餐廳慢慢的吃午餐。下午和人稱”Kerama Blue”的海說再見。從來不知道有這麼美的海,藍天白雲配上慶良間藍,來沖繩一定要來這裡玩。

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We had originally planned on taking our bike to Zamami so we can tour the whole island, but in true Brandy fashion, all the bike tickets have been sold out. Zamami “downtown” is pretty flat, you can explore the entire area on foot, and as for the road to Furuzamami and our hotel, the hills were steep. Our legs would not have survived those hills on bike. Next time we come, we plan on taking the water taxi to visit the neighboring even smaller islands as well as Tokashiki.
