Snow Monday at Okonomi
親愛的春天,你還在Key West放春假嗎?快回來吧,在紐約的大夥們非常想你!
A note for Spring:
Dear Spring, Still in Key West for vacation? Please come back soon! We miss you a lot in New York!
Okonomi in Brooklyn
日式早餐 Japanese Breakfast
2014年UN搬來紐約時,我就找到這家剛開的日式早餐店。我追蹤的Instagram Influencer和網站,都來過這裡。四年後,終於來了(感動!)
When UN moved to NYC in 2014, I found this newly opened Japanese breakfast place. Some of the Instagram Influencers who I follow have visited here. Four years later, I’m finally here!
Address: 150 Ainslie St, Brooklyn, NY 11211
For more photos, please search @BrandysList or #BrandysFoodList on Instagram.
更多照片,請在Instagram上搜尋 @BrandysList 或是 #BrandysFoodList。