PCS Experience
/感謝上帝我們成功搬家了!PCS (Permanent Change of Station)大概是我近期最常用的字吧!意思是UN工作關係,我們要搬家了。第一次PCS,像準備跑馬拉松一樣緊張,一直以為手機沒響睡過頭。
PTL we have successfully started our move! PCS (Permanent Change of Station) is a new common vocab that I use on the daily recently. Due to UN’s work, we are moving. This is our first time doing PCS, I felt as nervous as when I ran a marathon, kept thinking I overslept or I missed a phone call.
They are so professional!
Carefully wrapping our stuff!
This first moving experience was a great one! The movers complimented how organized and clean our studio was, that alone made my day. My mom couldn’t help but express her Taiwanese hospitality, used her broken English to greet the movers, made sure they are fed and hydrated. The movers loved my mom.
Thanks guys for making the move so smooth!
Finally, I want to thank my mom for her great personality, endured all my nervous complaining. We will celebrate a successful move tonight!
Kitchen tour at Eleven Madison Park