2021 Unplugged Travel Experience

Our first trip in 2021 was an “unplugged” one to Shiga. For most families in Japan, New Year’s Eve is a night of solemn gratitude and reflection for all that has happened in this past year. Instead of the flamboyant fireworks and spirited countdown, Japanese relish time with loved ones and approach the new year with hope and prayers. As the New Year festivities around the world became more toned down this year, we found it an opportune time to say goodbye to 2020 quietly, and furthermore make this an “unplugged trip”, to truly immerse ourselves in the streets of Shiga, appreciate the culture, and enjoy the company of one another.

We made a few rules, such as only emergency cell phone use. We could use our phones to talk/FaceTime with family, or if we get lost for more than 30 minutes (good thing our rental car came equipped with GPS), and we can’t take pictures when we are sightseeing. UN almost convinced me to not even use my camera, but taking pictures of food before meal has become a part of my life (for self-improvement purposes obviously!)

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  • Prior Planning

Because we couldn’t use our cell phone to Google search, so we needed to plan everything out and write them down.

  • Meeting New Friends

I’m usually on my phone when I’m waiting and sitting at the hotel lobby, scrolling through social media and browsing news, but without my phone, I could only look around me. For this reason, we started striking up interesting conversations with the ryokan staff and other ryokan guests.

  • Clearly list out “no cell phone use” rules

The best way to do this is leaving our phones inside the lockbox in our ryokan room. But we still needed to write out the rules. 

  • Bring paper and pen

Not having a cell phone is equivalent to the feeling of hunger, my brain just comes up with a million things that I need to remember to do. Having paper and pen allows me to jot down my thoughts and cross off my to-do list.

  • Focus on the travel and slow living

The few days that I was without my phone, life seemed slower, and yet lighter at the same time. Especially when I didn’t stress to “check in” at every place we visited. The surprise adventures that occurred when we got lost (and yes we got lost quite a few times). The only urge to use my phone came whenever I was eating delicious foods.


At the beginning of our trip, we felt like an “unplugged trip” would be easier said than done, since cell phones are now a huge part of everyday life. This is true especially when we desperately try to look up places to go. But our detour in the winding streets of rural Japan, meeting other Taiwanese living in Japan, conversing with vendors and restaurant owners in our broken Japanese, these are experiences that wouldn’t have been possible if we let our faces be glued to our phones.

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Chinese Translation



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  • 先前規劃


  • 認識朋友


  • 清楚列出”不用手機”規則


  • 準備紙筆


  • 專心旅行、慢生活


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2020 Happy New Year|2020新年快樂

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Happy New Year everyone! First day of 2020, and we started the day off by checking off our new year resolutions list. Then we had rice cake, soba noodles, and purchased a lucky bag as per Japanese customs. We also visited some magnificent sites here in Okinawa. Our first day of the new year ended with a  yakiniku feast at home (huge mistake with filling our entire apartment with smoke, never doing that again!). Overall an extremely fruitful first day of 2020! Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyful 2020, may all your dreams come true, may you accomplish all of your goals for this year! I, too, have made a few lists for me to tackle this year, let’s get it!

  1. After spending months searching for and settling down at a church, we finally found one by the end of 2019! We want to continue going to church and small group regularly. 

  2. Read books outside of my preferred genre. In 2020, I would like to step out of my reading comfort zone, and read more books from unfamiliar sections such as history, sci-fi, and self-help. So far my reading list includes: Above East China Sea、The 10x Rule、The Fifth Science. 

  3. A totally unplugged trip! Originally our trip to Aso was planned unplugged (minus using navigation), but I failed by clicking open Instagram. Last March my Cuba trip was unplugged and I fell in love with it. I hope to do that again in my next trip!

  4. Try new things every month. For January, UN and I have decided we will not eat out (with the exception of our one weekend in Taiwan and the first day of the year when we ate soba noodle and rice cake). We also are planing to go vegan for a whole month, just haven’t decided which month yet. 

  5. Get better at golf! UN said when I can hit consistently beyond 150 m, he will buy me my own set of clubs and a customized golf bag! I am gonna give it my all just for the golf bag! I’m motivated to practice every morning!


  1. 經過幾個月後,我們終於找到教會。感謝神預備一間離家裡不遠的教會,也謝謝朋友推薦,我們期待在教會更多成長、更多固定聚會、更多服侍。

  2. 嘗試自己平時不讀的書,這是我一直想試卻不願意踏出的一項。雖然有一長串想讀的小說,但今年添加幾本和自己興趣不同的書。2020希望自己能突破平時愛讀的書種,多嘗試歷史、科幻、心理勵志類的書籍。目前書單有Above East China Sea、The 10x Rule、The Fifth Science。說不定之後能寫個讀書心得!

  3. 來場無網路旅行!原本聖誕節去阿蘇想做斷絕網路的旅行(除了使用導航),但卻敗在我點開Instagram,上傳影片。去年三月時去古巴一場無網路旅行,覺得偶爾這樣生活也不錯。也許下趟旅行能試一下😉!

  4. 每個月嘗試不同事物。新年第一個月,我和UN決定不外食(除了回台灣和一月一日吃麵和大福)。近期外食太多才會做這決定,但我也很好奇我們能撐多久!預告一下,今年我們會嘗試全素,但目前尚未決定何月,畢竟我需要研究一下有哪些餐廳提供全素食譜和家中料理食譜!

  5. 練好高爾夫球!自從朋友介紹離我們家開車不到10分鐘的高爾夫球場後,我和UN常常有空就去練習。UN說我只要能連續打出100顆150以上的距離,他就幫我買整套球具和訂做屬於我的球袋!為了球袋,我拼了!寫在這裡,好激勵我每天早上要去練球!

Azama Sun Sun Beach

This place is so romantic! This place is on the way to Cape Chinen Park, a quick detour will lead you to a breathtaking view of the East side of Okinawa. The ocean is so clear and blue, and the wind and sun makes this place a perfect escape. We sat by the beach and took this all in, throughly enjoying our first day of the year. We think this beach will definitely gain more foot traffic in summer time. Most of the shops around the beach are closed now, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying the view. 


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Cape Chinen Park 知念岬公園

A great place to see sunrise! Okinawa is better experienced when you slow down and just relax. One hour at this park flies by without you realizing, very suitable for lovebirds, and of course, Instagram. Kimochi! 


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Sefa-Utaki 斎場御嶽

One of Okinawa’s World Heritage sites, regarded as a powerful spiritual site by the locals. It is believed that the goddess Amamikyu who created the Ryukyu islands made landfall here at this site. Therefore it’s considered to be a sacred place. Very different than mainland Japan religious culture. This place embraces nature. The places of worship here are made of huge natural stones and shrouded by trees. 


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