One Year Japan-iversary | 日本一週年
/Today marks our one year anniversary of living in Japan. It was always my dream to live in Japan, and I got emotional when the moment we got the orders to move here! From the journey moving to Okinawa until today, we are grateful for every day that we get to live here. We’ve found a loving church, met many friends, and started serving in youth ministry (they taught me TikTok!). I’ve also become the VP of Naval Officer Spouse Club Okinawa (NOSCO), UN became the VP of Officer Wardroom, and he received great remarks on his job performance. Despite being extra busy this past year, but we count every minute and every second as a blessing from God. Thank you God for leading us on this amazing life journey, and with this next year here, we are prayerful for more of God’s guidance.
2019 July- Alaska Cruise
2019 July- Seattle
2019 August- Eisa Festival
2019 August- PADI License
2019 September- Taiwan
2019 September- Sushi Jiro
2019 September- Thailand
2019 October- Korea
2019 October- Marine Ball
2019 November- Kyoto
2019 November- Mom visited Okinawa
2019 December- Kyushu
2019 December- Sumo
2020 February- Iceland
2020 February- Washington DC
2020 February- Hokkaido
2020 March- Kouri Island