Shelter In Place Week 11- Weekend Cooking | 第11周自主隔離

Lately with COVID, UN’s job has gotten much busier. He leaves for work early and comes back later than usual, sometimes answering work-related phone calls and text before bed. With him working on the weekends, I have nowhere to go, so I started baking cakes at home.


Basque Burnt Cheesecake

This was very popular on social media. My first attempt almost burned the whole kitchen down. I forgot to trim the baking paper and it caught on fire as soon as it entered the 400F oven. Thank God UN was home to put out the fire. Created a huge mess, especially on the floor that UN just mopped less than 10 minutes ago. After that disastrous episode, I’m very determined not to burn another cake. I videotaped my baking (evidence in case of another fire), and it turned out very well this time!


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San Se Dan 三色蛋

It’s incredulous that in this Taiwanese food dessert, Okinawa, I was able to find salted eggs and thousand year eggs! To be honest I’m not the biggest fan of these types of eggs, but I bought them because I found the recipe for San Se Dan (three-colored eggs.) I don’t think I’ve tried San Se Dan before. Much can be improved from this first trial. Next time I will cook the salted eggs and thousand year eggs first to harden the egg yolk. Easier to cut and won’t look messy that way. I would steam the egg whites for more than 15 minutes to make sure they are fully cooked. UN loved the San Se Dan, but I’m still not a fan of the taste of thousand year egg. 


Creme Brulee

The theme for this weekend is eggs! In college I met a chef who was an expert at making cream brûlée. He told me that if I knew what goes into making cream brûlée I wouldn’t want to eat it. He’s exactly right! I keep double checking to make sure I wasn’t reading the recipe wrong, and it feels like I used a whole bag of sugar. This level of sweetness is even scary for someone with a sweet tooth like yours truly. Does anyone know why there are small scratches marks on the cream brûlée after they come out of the oven?

這週末都是和蛋有關的料理!在大學時有位廚師很會做Creme Brulee,那時他說如果我們知道裡面有多少糖就不會想吃了。完全沒錯!看著食譜一直反覆檢查我是否看錯單位,一直猛倒糖,雖然天天必吃甜食,但這糖量我感到害怕。最後想請問為什麼布丁烤出來的會有一痕一痕像是被叉子搓過?

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See you next week!
