Shelter In Place Week 12- Focaccia | 第12周自主隔離

Due to the pandemic, we’ve cancelled many trips since March. The most disappointing of all is the cancellation of Tokyo Olympics. I have no doubt that Japan spent a lot of efforts meticulously planned out these world games, only to be postpone by this heartless virus. UN and I jumped through many hoops to purchase Olympic tickets and book a hotel stay. We even planned to climb Mount Fuji after the Olympic Games. Such a big let down! 


On the plus side, I spent 26 hours and made focaccia for the first time! UN and my friend both complimented the taste, was a real confidence booster. What should I try to bake next?


Shelter In Place Week 11- Weekend Cooking | 第11周自主隔離

Lately with COVID, UN’s job has gotten much busier. He leaves for work early and comes back later than usual, sometimes answering work-related phone calls and text before bed. With him working on the weekends, I have nowhere to go, so I started baking cakes at home.


Basque Burnt Cheesecake

This was very popular on social media. My first attempt almost burned the whole kitchen down. I forgot to trim the baking paper and it caught on fire as soon as it entered the 400F oven. Thank God UN was home to put out the fire. Created a huge mess, especially on the floor that UN just mopped less than 10 minutes ago. After that disastrous episode, I’m very determined not to burn another cake. I videotaped my baking (evidence in case of another fire), and it turned out very well this time!


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San Se Dan 三色蛋

It’s incredulous that in this Taiwanese food dessert, Okinawa, I was able to find salted eggs and thousand year eggs! To be honest I’m not the biggest fan of these types of eggs, but I bought them because I found the recipe for San Se Dan (three-colored eggs.) I don’t think I’ve tried San Se Dan before. Much can be improved from this first trial. Next time I will cook the salted eggs and thousand year eggs first to harden the egg yolk. Easier to cut and won’t look messy that way. I would steam the egg whites for more than 15 minutes to make sure they are fully cooked. UN loved the San Se Dan, but I’m still not a fan of the taste of thousand year egg. 


Creme Brulee

The theme for this weekend is eggs! In college I met a chef who was an expert at making cream brûlée. He told me that if I knew what goes into making cream brûlée I wouldn’t want to eat it. He’s exactly right! I keep double checking to make sure I wasn’t reading the recipe wrong, and it feels like I used a whole bag of sugar. This level of sweetness is even scary for someone with a sweet tooth like yours truly. Does anyone know why there are small scratches marks on the cream brûlée after they come out of the oven?

這週末都是和蛋有關的料理!在大學時有位廚師很會做Creme Brulee,那時他說如果我們知道裡面有多少糖就不會想吃了。完全沒錯!看著食譜一直反覆檢查我是否看錯單位,一直猛倒糖,雖然天天必吃甜食,但這糖量我感到害怕。最後想請問為什麼布丁烤出來的會有一痕一痕像是被叉子搓過?

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See you next week!


Cooking List:明天要吃什麼好呢?


Taken by iPhone

Taken by iPhone

飯糰和小熱狗 | 十月30日2019 星期三

喜歡把家中食譜當作閱讀書籍的我,決定把家裡食譜煮一遍。有些食譜讀了好幾遍,卻不曾下廚做一次。這想法以前看完美味關係(Julie & Julia)就想做,但懶惰遲遲沒有動作。十月回台灣,又帶了幾本食譜回來。坐飛機回來沖繩時莫名衝動,覺得是時候實行這計畫了!隔天列好買菜清單,衝到市場採購,迫不及待下廚開煮!


Rice Ball and Mini Hotdog | October 30th, 2019 Wednesday

I like to read cookbooks in my past times, and I’ve decided that I would like to cook the dishes that I read about. Certain recipes have been on my to-cook list for a long time, but lack of motivation has gotten the better side of me. I need to channel in some Julie & Julia in my life! This past October, I brought back a few more cookbooks from Taiwan. I made myself a promise on the plane that I would start making these dishes for real. The next day I started making recipes and ingredients list, headed to the supermarket, and eager to start cooking!

Rice ball is completed by miso soup in my opinion. The author was right to suggest that making rice ball requires ingredient preparation the same as surgeons organize their instruments for a procedure. The order is important. UN thought the mini hot dogs were a little on the sweet side, but I find them to be just right!

Taken by T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

Taken by T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

三明治 | 十月31日2019 星期四



Sandwich | October 31, 2019 Thursday

Happy Halloween! Originally my friend and I had planned a lunch date after our work out, but because I already had planned to dine out that night, I invited my friend over for sandwich. I think sandwich is still best with white toast, wheat toast taste almost too healthy. Recipe says to use butter, but I didn’t want to gain back all those calories that we just burned at the gym.

What did you all do for Halloween? I was following three minions trick-or-treating on base, and helped myself to some candies too. The selection of candies that they handed out on Kadena Air Force Base was not too shabby I had to say. I approve! Definitely returning here next year!

義大利麵 | 十一月1日2019 星期五



Spaghetti | November 1, 2019 Friday

I like my spaghetti to have more sauce than spaghetti. It’s unorthodox, but still my preference!

First time cooking spaghetti with ketchup, it’s easy to find, don’t need to cook tomatoes, bake tomatoes, or prepare other ingredients. I still prefer slow cooking the ketchup to make the sauce, but when you are hungry and want to make lunch quick, this is not a bad method.

Taken by T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

Taken by T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

十一月4日2019 星期一




P.S. 你們不覺得大根煮完有股…….屁味嗎?!

November 4, 2019 Monday

Our kitchen is normally closed for the weekend, for it’s when UN and I eat brunch at a cafe, and dine out with friends at night.

Didn't have time to grocery shop, so instead of following a recipe, I’ve decided to empty our fridge. Make a hearty bone broth with lots of ingredients. The broth was so heavenly that I wished I had made more. I learned how to make soup base from a Japanese mom. Soak dry seaweed until soft, boil on low for 10 minutes. Fish out the seaweed and then add some bonito flakes, don’t let it cook for too long.

Been waking up at 4am to workout, almost falling asleep while cooking dinner. Just when we are cleaning up after dinner, it’s almost bedtime already. My eyelids are now heavy, need to get up at 4am again tomorrow morning. Good night!

P.S. Do you guys find cooking daikon smells like… fart?!

Taken by Canon T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

Taken by Canon T6i, 50mm f1.8, RAW

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蒜炒青菜、煎雞肉 | 十一月6日 2019 星期三



Vegetable Stir Fried with Garlic & Grilled Chicken! | November 1, 2019 Friday

UN had a rare chance to eat lunch at home, and I wasn’t too busy, so I decided to cook!

Recipe says broccoli, but I used whatever vegetable there was in my fridge. No broccoli, and I even forgot to put in garlic, but I followed through with the rest of the recipe. We laughed at my own creation, but still enjoyed it.


馬鈴薯燉肉 | 十一月7日 2019 星期四




Potatoes and Pork | November 7, 2019 Thursday

UN sang so much praises for this dish! I used 3 potatoes, thought it was a lot, and for sure would have leftover for tomorrow’s lunch, but UN finished them all! I will reward his appreciation by cooking this more often and fatten him up!

Every dish has my homemade kimchi in it. I learned how to make kimchi from my friend S, and she learned it from her mom. The recipe is easy, all you need are cabbage, garlic, fish sauce, scallion, Korean gochu powder. Mix them all together and wait 3 to 4 days and taste. Next time I should make kimchi hotpot!

Good luck to UN on his command hike tomorrow! He’s gonna have to carry a heavy load and hike for 3 miles!